FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => JFK for FSX/P3D => Topic started by: moey124 on October 01, 2008, 01:09:04 am
hey i would like to know if the FPS on the fsx version is good? i have a quad core processor at 2.4ghz, 4gb of memory, 32 vista home basic, 8800gtx video card, 500gb of hardrive, let me know if the Fps is good on the JFK and the chiago ohare airport? thanks.
Yeah, I get 25 FPS (Locked at 25) with 20% AI planes and ground traffic. However, I don't use 3D clouds, and I have ultimate terrain. I have an E6550 Core 2 Duo, 4 gigs of ram, and 2 8800 GTS in SLI.
oh okay thanks.
If you have 20FPS at Normal JFK, you have 40 at FSDT JFK. Its amazing.. <3
If you run full ai like me, forget about fps. 4-6fps for me.
okay i went to the site and clicked download, is that the demo? i went ot the flight sim clciked fly now, and i could only see the gates cannot see no runways.. and etc.. what should i do?
i went ot the flight sim clciked fly now, and i could only see the gates cannot see no runways.. and etc.. what should i do?
Do you have FSX SP2 or FSX + Acceleration installed ? The program wouldn't run without.
Also, check this thread, there's no need to repeat it here what was written there: