FSDreamTeam forum
Products Support => GSX Support FSX/P3D => Topic started by: cfeli on October 05, 2014, 08:11:47 pm
I am having trouble getting GSX push back to work at ORBX's KMRY airport with PMDG 737NGX and other aircraft. There is a very short push back distance from the parking spot to the taxiway. Could this be the problem? Thanks.
Yes, an exit node too close to the parking might be a problem. In the next GSX upgrade, you'll be able to customize pushback nodes. In the meantime, the only possible solution is to edit the AFCAD to solve the issue.
Thanks. I used ADE to modify the BGL and replaced the multiple links and nodes that ORBX had between the taxiway and parking node with a single apron/taxi link. GSX push back works fine now.