Author Topic: PHNL Scenery adds spurious land masses  (Read 5662 times)


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PHNL Scenery adds spurious land masses
« on: February 16, 2014, 10:37:55 pm »
I have just installed the PHNL scenery onto my computer. It's really well done, and I enjoyed "touring" around the airport. It is especially obvious to me how much detail went into the product, since I was on the airport/air base nearly every day for five years. (I used to play golf at Mamala Bay - the USAF course between 8L and the "Reef" runway 8R).

Imagine my amazement when I departed rwy 8L, and made the normal turn to the SouthEast to avoid the hotels. There about 1/2 -3/4 nm South of 8R, was a geometric land mass!!!
I know that wasn't there previously, because we used to scuba dive there for lobster, and that's about where we put the Ahime Maru down to recover the bodies.

Anyway, continuing my tour to the North East towards Kaneohe, after crossing koolau mountains, I observed the same spurious land surrounding MCB Kaneohe (PHNG).

I verified the spurious land masses were caused by the PHNL scenery, by disabling it in FSX, and it disappeared.

I have attached screenshots showing the same relative area, both with and without the PHNL FSDreamteam scenery active.

Just tell me what to do to remove the spurious land from "under" the airports, and you will have a very happy camper.


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Re: PHNL Scenery adds spurious land masses
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 10:54:53 pm »
I verified the spurious land masses were caused by the PHNL scenery, by disabling it in FSX, and it disappeared. I have attached screenshots showing the same relative area, both with and without the PHNL FSDreamteam scenery active.

Nothing of your problem is "caused" by PHNL. Don't you think that, if PHNL REALLY "caused" this, we would have known by now, since it has been released in early 2010 ?

You are mislead thinking this, because it goes away with PHNL disabled, but that's NOT because PHNL is causing it, but because ANOTHER scenery has modified the default scenery (landclass and coastlines) that PHNL expect to find and improve upon.

What other sceneries you have installed, especially those that modify default landclass and/or vector data like coastlines ?