Author Topic: AA & Performance  (Read 8173 times)


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AA & Performance
« on: September 19, 2008, 09:09:59 am »
I am having a very strange issue. After a few minutes of having an aircraft on the ground I  loose my antialiasing. Everything goes jagged. If i alt+enter and go back into fullscreen everything returns to normal. As well performance is horrible. If I pan around to where all the buildings are the panning freezes and then jumps around. It is a total mess. I have fantastic framerates at KORD. 



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Re: AA & Performance
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 12:23:51 pm »
Nothing that can releated to the scenery, is surely a video driver issue. OR, you are putting your settings too high, and maybe the VRAM is not enough.


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Re: AA & Performance
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 12:44:02 am »
I doubt it, I have a quad core with a 9800 gx2 that is plenty for all the other complex scenery i have. If I can run KORD than surely I shouldn't have a problem with KJFK. I also run Simwings EGLL easily enough and I would say that NY is on par with London. I also have the Couatl.exe running multiple times as well. I wonder if this is causing the performance problem?

FSDreamteam: KLAX Los Angeles * KDFW Dallas Fort Worth * KLAS McCarran * KJFK New York * KORD O'Hare * PHNL Honolulu * Hawaiian Airports Vol. 1 & 2 * LSZG Zurich CYVR Vancouver


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Re: AA & Performance
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 12:54:03 am »
If I can run KORD than surely I shouldn't have a problem with KJFK

The area at New York is certainly worse than the Chicago aerea. However, a normal system shouldn't show too much difference, although I have slightly better fps at Chicago, but the difference is small, maybe 2-3 fps, depening on the direction I'm looking at.

I also have the Couatl.exe running multiple times as well. I wonder if this is causing the performance problem?

Another user solved this with a reboot. After a reboot, launch FSX, check that only one Couatl.exe process with the Task Manager. Close FSX and verify that Couatl.exe is closing as well.

However, this wouldn't have any impact on performance, because if two Couatl process are running (it might happen if you close and re-launch FSX too quickly), they would't run twice, but exactly the opposite: none of the two will run instead.

And, it would't have any effect on video perfomances, and certainly not causing antialiasing problems.

Check your AI models: many times we see blame being put on the scenery for crashing or slowing down, and the argument is always that "other sceneries are all fine", only to discover that a specific AI, that has a schedule that brings it only to a certain scenery and not others, had a corrupted, missing, or in the wrong format texture, that might have caused video troubles.


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Re: AA & Performance
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 02:32:30 am »
I will try and report back later.



FSDreamteam: KLAX Los Angeles * KDFW Dallas Fort Worth * KLAS McCarran * KJFK New York * KORD O'Hare * PHNL Honolulu * Hawaiian Airports Vol. 1 & 2 * LSZG Zurich CYVR Vancouver