Author Topic: Upgraded bios in new build, no hardware change, got "eSellerate error" why??  (Read 4935 times)


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Today, after upgrading bios on new build using ASUS Sabertooth Z87 motherboard with i7-4770, when I launched FSX got the "eSellerate error – 25007 machine mismatch" on 4 of my 7 add ons from Fsdreamteam, 

KDFW, KLAS, KJFK and GSX,  the airports, PHNL, Hawaii 1 airports and KLAX did not indicate the "eSellerate error – 25007 machine mismatch",  so now I have 3 activations on 4 of my 7 add ons,  1 when I first installed

on my old computer, another time when I activated on new machine, and now when I upgraded my bios. ...NO Hardware changes at ALL   . is that right???  did not I read only allowed 6 activations of FSDT add



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when I upgraded my bios. ...NO Hardware changes at ALL   . is that right??? 

As already explained several times on the forum, on some mainboards, upgrading the bios reports to Windows a different hardware id.  And, the "machine mismatch" message doesn't mean you have consumed all your activation, if you had, you would see the "too many activation message". Just confirm the activation.

did not I read only allowed 6 activations of FSDT add-ons,,

That's precisely the reason why you *have* 6 activation: because it's possible that on some systems hardware changes are detected even without changing hardware pieces. This is entirely outside our control, we don't decide what's counts as an hardware change, it's done by Esellerate which in turn ask Windows and, ultimately, your mainboard drivers.

Now that you know this, if only need to remember to use Deactivate" function on the Addon Manager even before updating the bios (which is not something you do often, I hope...), on top of when reformatting or changing actual hardware, so you won't even consume an activation.


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Any way to determine how many activations remaining for each FSDT add on....     so whatever reason I forget to deactivate add ons before upgrading bios on mobo,  I could be out my $200 in FSDT merchandise


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Any way to determine how many activations remaining for each FSDT add on.... 

No, but if you don't see the "too many activations" when you reactivate, it means you still had spares.

 so whatever reason I forget to deactivate add ons before upgrading bios on mobo,  I could be out my $200 in FSDT merchandise

That wouldn't be an issue, just email support and we'll reactivate you.


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ok, thanks