Author Topic: FSX crashes on exit with BEX  (Read 7871 times)


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FSX crashes on exit with BEX
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:10:17 pm »
Finally after a process of elimination I was able to track a BEX error upon closing FSX to the couatl application. I take it out of the FSX directory, all I did was remove the couatl application itself leaving the folder and all other files alone. Using version Just started today after updating GSX to v. 1.8. I can replicate the error everytime. I leave couatl in, on FSX exit I get a BEX error. I take it out and FSX shutdown properly. My research indicates a BEX error, especially on shut down means something is not being released by the memory. That to me indicates couatl app is not shutting down upon exiting FSX causing the FSX.exe to hang and thus throwing up the BEX error. Please fix.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 11:45:22 am by virtuali »


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Re: Couatl application causing error
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 11:45:07 am »
That to me indicates couatl app is not shutting down upon exiting FSX causing the FSX.exe to hang and thus throwing up the BEX error. Please fix.

Sorry, but that's not possible. Couatl.exe is an external .exe and, by definition, it doesn't have ANY access to the FSX memory, not even in read (let alone writing and allocating it), Couatl.exe can ONLY allocate *its* own memory, which is under an entirely different and separate address space from FSX. It's not technically possible that Couatl, by itself, could crash FSX.

So, why your elimination process is misleading you that Couatl "must" be the case of this BEX error, which I understand "seems" logical, because you "fixed it" by not running Couatl ?

Because Couatl, by means of Simconnect commands, can ASK FSX to create some objects on its behalf, and of course it's what it does for most of the time.

Which means, if there's a problem with, for example, your video driver or video settings or video tweaks, such as an otherwise perfectly legal scenery objects would cause a crash in FSX BECAUSE of those video-related issues, you will see exactly this behavior: the crash will disappear if you don't run Couatl, so you are mislead thinking it was Couatl "causing" the crash, but in fact the crash was caused by a problem with your settings that caused an object that would normally work fine, to misbehave.

So, I'd start by resetting your FSX.CFG to default, by moving to another folder and have FSX create a new one. Only apply the HIGHMEMFIX tweak and nothing else.

If it's not a settings problem, maybe it's something more trivial, like a corrupted file on your system, if such file belongs to one of the objects created by Couatl, again you'll will mislead thinking Couatl is the problem when it isn't.

In this case, you might try uninstalling all FSDT products and reinstall them, to ensure all their files are ok.

I don't think there should be any need to add that no, of course, I don't have any crashes by FSX on exit, nor I ever had one, apart for the infamous uiautomationcore.dll error, which happens every time you play too much with FSX menus and it's a very well known problem.

Instead, if you search around for "FSX crash on exit BEX", you'll find plenty of different reports, dating since 2008, when GSX and Couatl weren't even planned...


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Re: FSX crashes on exit with BEX
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 02:43:54 am »
I also have the same error on exit fsx.

You mentioned couatl.exe only allocate its own memory. But, the strange thing is that when I terminate couatl.exe using task-manager just before exit fsx, then fsx shut down properly without exit error.

I also found that the exit error happens especially after using GSX functions in KLAS.
I am using the free demo version of GSX and registered KJFK v2, KLAS on Windows 7 64bit system.

I understand the BEX error is common in fsx, very old program. But I would appreciate if you fix this problem.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 02:45:45 am by ssy523 »


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Re: FSX crashes on exit with BEX
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2013, 07:24:29 am »
You mentioned couatl.exe only allocate its own memory. But, the strange thing is that when I terminate couatl.exe using task-manager just before exit fsx, then fsx shut down properly without exit error.

I repeat and confirm that Couatl.exe can't access the FSX memory. Please, read again my previous explanation about why you might be mislead thinking it's a Couatl problem, just because quitting it seems to fix.

As I've said, all those FSX clients talk with FSX using Simconnect and, if either another add-on has used Simconnect in a bad state OR Simconnect itself is having a bug that happens ONLY if two or more FSX clients use it in some specific way such as, for example, a specific command sequence, it's possible that this will cause a crash, without this being nobody's fault and, if by quitting Couatl you are "breaking" the sequence so the problem doesn't repeat anymore, and are mislead thinking it has something to do with it. It would probably be fixed just the same if you disabled/removed the other add-on that might cause this only in *combination*.

I also found that the exit error happens especially after using GSX functions in KLAS.

Never seen this error on my system, ever. And we have just two reports here so no, it can't be a GSX problem, we would have *hundreds* of reports, if this was a common problem. It's surely some kind of interaction with another add-on both of you have installed.

I understand the BEX error is common in fsx, very old program. But I would appreciate if you fix this problem.

There's nothing we can do to fix it, if we can't even replicate it and with just two reports that don't give any indication, other than the very common BEX crash on exit, which has been there in FSX forever.

Have you tried disabling EVERY OTHER add-on module in your EXE.XML and your DLL.XML ? Just leave the Addon Manager (bglmanx.dll) and Couatl.exe, and set <Disabled>True</Disabled> for ALL the other modules. This is the correct way to START diagnosing such problems.


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Re: FSX crashes on exit with BEX
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2014, 09:40:25 am »
After spending a long time test I found the reason of BEX error is maybe the conflict between aerosoft US Cities Las Vegas and your KLAS airport scenery. Once I uninstall one of these sceneries, BEX error disappears.
I really like both sceneries but I think this is the time to choose. I wish you could check if there is a solution. Thank you in advance.


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Re: FSX crashes on exit with BEX
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2014, 10:57:40 am »
I really like both sceneries but I think this is the time to choose.

I have no idea. Someone reported minor visual issue using the two together, but nobody ever reported a crash because of it.