Author Topic: Couatl engine crash **SOLVED**  (Read 46230 times)


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Couatl engine crash **SOLVED**
« on: January 12, 2014, 12:10:43 am »
The couatle engine keeps crashing.

couatl v2.0 (build 2356)
panic log started on Sat Jan 11 13:33:41 2014

problem raised by engine or unspecified addonExecutable integrity compromised

The only thing I changed with my pc today was buying a new headset - the Razor Kraken Pro 7.1. It uses the Razor Synapse 2.0 program, but I already had that installed because I also have a razor mouse. Never had this problem before. I uninstalled GSX seing that my searches for a fix didnt give me a solution. I thought my gsx days were over, and that I had to live with it. Now my FSDT scenery isnt working either (I still get the Couatl script engine error), and I just bought KJFK from you guys.

Please help me fix this.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 11:16:46 am by virtuali »


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2014, 12:12:11 am »
PS! I downloaded the addon manager and reinstalled it, but it didnt help.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2014, 09:57:53 pm »
This problem has been discussed many times on the forum, and it's caused by other software you installed in your system. These are the known causes of that error message:

- If you have the ATI Tray Tools utility installed, you must disable the "Automatic Overclock" feature.

- If you have the Radeon Pro utility installed, you must disable "API monitoring" or use the setting "disable API monitoring for programs not listed in my profiles list"

- The Lenovo One Key Theater and Power management software

- The Trillian instant messenger.

If you are sure you are not running any of the above programs, then you might simply using another software that is behaving in a similar (invasive) way as those listed above, that we never heard before. Try to close all your running processes, until you find the offending one.

I don't think it's the Razer software, I have a Razer mouse too, and never had any problems with its software, although I have to say I probably haven't updated it in a while.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2014, 11:15:01 pm »
The only thing that changed on my pc for many days now is the physical installation of the Razor Kraken headset and updating the synapse 2.0 software. Nothing else was installed. I have a Nvidia gtx690 card so no ati software for me.
I dont use chatting programs (Im hardly on facebook :) ).

I might delete the ini files for coatl to see if they have been corrupted. If not, I guess I must shot down processess to troubleshoot it. I will see when I find the time.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2014, 04:01:55 pm »
Well I dont know what more to do. Nothing helps. Out of nowhere the problem with coatl crashing comes like a big surprise, and now it wont go away what ever I do. I have tried removing my antivirus, I have tried removing synapse 2.0, I have tried removing my system optimization tools, I have turned off any remote pc attached to the network, I have tried un-installing and reinstalling the addons manager and the various fsdt items I own (gsx and kjfk), to no avail. I tried uninstalling anything related to fsdt and just installing the addon manager (with the latest version from fsdt website), and confirmed that coatl is still giving me problems.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2014, 04:09:38 pm »
Well I dont know what more to do. Nothing helps. Out of nowhere the problem with coatl crashing comes like a big surprise, and now it wont go away what ever I do.

As I've said in one of my previous replies, assuming you are still getting the "executable integrity compromised" message in the error log, since the problem is *surely* caused by another program, you only need to find which one is.

Open the Task Manager when FSX is not running, and look at all your running processes, and close them all, one by one, starting FSX each time you close a new one, until you'll eventually find which is the offending one.

Once the problematic software has been identified, you can try look into some of its options, to eventually find if it's just a specific option that might be turned off that is causing this.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2014, 05:58:15 pm »
Ok I went through the processess, and I found that when ending the process "krakensysaudiolauncher.exe" my coatl engine errors went away. That's a bit strange that it would interfere with an app such as gsx/scenery for KFJK...

If you have any inputs into what this file does, and wether it will cripple my razor kraken headset living without this exe file, it is quite welcome!


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 06:03:00 pm »
Id also like to know how to permanently shut this exe file down so I dont have to manually end the process tree every time.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2014, 07:15:06 am »
Id also like to know how to permanently shut this exe file down so I dont have to manually end the process tree every time.

use the MSCONFIG tool that comes with Windows, in the "Start-up" section there's a list of all the executables that Windows launches automatically, just uncheck that one and reboot.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2014, 02:11:00 pm »
Thanks :)


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2015, 10:42:00 pm »
I just downloaded Couatl into my FSXSE and I'm having trouble re registering my software. I click on register and it asks me if I have the serial number and to enter it into the next window, but it doesn't open that next window. I've tried it in both regular and window mode. Any suggestions?
Jon Martinez
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, FSXSE, ATI HD 6800 with 4GB DDR5 Ram, 16 GB system ram, 250 GB SSD, UTLive, REX SkyForce and Worldwide Airports


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2015, 09:38:46 am »
I click on register and it asks me if I have the serial number and to enter it into the next window, but it doesn't open that next window.

If the sim goes back to flying without anything happening after you press the “Register Serial” button, it might due to the following:

- Check you are not running another add-on that is launching FSX itself. Launch FSX from its icon

- Be sure you don't have another add-on that is "stealing" the focus, so it forces the registration dialog behind the FSX one (the dialog is likely there, you just don't see it because of this other program). Programs that are known to cause this problem are online flying clients with chat windows and similar, or programs that launch FSX themselves.

Turn them off during the registration, you can turn them back on after the registration, and launch FSX from its own icon.


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2015, 04:36:47 am »
- Check you are not running another add-on that is launching FSX itself. Launch FSX from its icon

- Be sure you don't have another add-on that is "stealing" the focus, so it forces the registration dialog behind the FSX one (the dialog is likely there, you just don't see it because of this other program). Programs that are known to cause this problem are online flying clients with chat windows and similar, or programs that launch FSX themselves.

Turn them off during the registration, you can turn them back on after the registration, and launch FSX from its own icon.

I tried this but it still does not give me the registration box or allow me to reinstall the serial number. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the later add-on manager. I'm also back to windows 7 64 bit with FSXSE. Thanks
Jon Martinez
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, FSXSE, ATI HD 6800 with 4GB DDR5 Ram, 16 GB system ram, 250 GB SSD, UTLive, REX SkyForce and Worldwide Airports


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Re: Couatl engine crash
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2015, 05:57:22 am »
Ok I figured it out. My anti virus program was blocking the pop up box. I disabled it and I was able to re register all my products.
Jon Martinez
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, FSXSE, ATI HD 6800 with 4GB DDR5 Ram, 16 GB system ram, 250 GB SSD, UTLive, REX SkyForce and Worldwide Airports


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Re: Couatl engine crash **SOLVED**
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2018, 05:06:46 pm »
OK this happened again. My Microsoft AV and UAC are off and I still can not get out of trial mode. It has been working great since the last time it happened. I don't know why it's happening or how to prevent it. I'm running FSXSE in window mode to look for any pop up boxes but they are not opening.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 07:15:43 pm by Jammerjonn »
Jon Martinez
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, FSXSE, ATI HD 6800 with 4GB DDR5 Ram, 16 GB system ram, 250 GB SSD, UTLive, REX SkyForce and Worldwide Airports