Author Topic: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD **SOLVED**  (Read 18342 times)


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I am now having an issue where the photorealistic runways are not showing at DFW and ORD.  I have previously had DFW installed but I just bought ORD tonight and both airports are doing this.  It appears a default runway texture is sowing.  I've attached screenshots to show the issue.  I also just purchased PHOG, PHKO, and PHNL tonight and they have the photo runways showing correctly and don't suffer from this problem.  Any ideas?


« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 01:37:37 pm by virtuali »


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 01:09:47 pm »
That's a problem caused by another conflicting AFCAD, those airports don't have a default runway with default markings so, the one you are seeing is probably coming from a conflicting AFCAD from another product/scenery.

Use the free FSX Airport Scanner program to search for AFCAD duplicates and remove them.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 03:49:27 pm »
That's a problem caused by another conflicting AFCAD, those airports don't have a default runway with default markings so, the one you are seeing is probably coming from a conflicting AFCAD from another product/scenery.

Use the free FSX Airport Scanner program to search for AFCAD duplicates and remove them.

This is what I would have thought the problem would be as well except I am using a freshly installed copy of Prepar3D V2.0 with no other airport add-ons active other than FSDT Airports.  The only other scenery add-on I have installed right now is ORBX FTX Global.  There isn't a possibility of duplicate AFCADs in my P3D install.  Both DFW and ORD are showing a default runway texture while all the other FSDT Airports I have installed (KFLL, PHNL, PHOG, PHKO, and KLAX) are showing the photorealistic runway as they are supposed to.  I will try a re-install of both KDFW and KORD and see if that fixes the issue.



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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 03:59:53 pm »
This is what I would have thought the problem would be as well except I am using a freshly installed copy of Prepar3D V2.0 with no other airport add-ons active other than FSDT Airports.

Have you moved them in the Scenery Library, so they are not on top of the default scenery ? As I've said, that default runway must come from somewhere and, it's surely not coming from our scenery, since we don't have default-looking runways in KDFW, all markings and textures are custom.

And, since you HAVE the KDFW hi-res photoreal background, it means the scenery is working normally, just there's an extraneous runway on top of it.

So, either it's another AFCAD, or it's the default AFCAD but, in order to cause a conflict, it means you have moved KDFW from the top in the library.

This, of course, assuming P3D doesn't have a bug (which doesn't happen here and nobody else reported it so far), that doesn't handle correctly the order of sceneries in the Scenery Library. Some users reported there ARE problems, if you move the scenery entries manually.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 05:22:10 pm »
Well this gets more interesting and I am leaning towards it being a P3D bug...

I've attached two screenshots...the first is my scenery library as I have it set up.  FSDT Airports are at the top well above the default scenery.  I have seen some of the reports that you are speaking of with possibly a problem with the scenery library and what stands out to me as it has to everyone else is the "priority" numbers out to the side.  I know in FSX #1 was the highest priority but this seems to be reversed in P3D 2.0.  I don't know if this is purposeful or not but the really interesting thing happens when you click ok to exit the scenery library.  For a split second as the window is closing you can see the entire library re-order itself on the screen and the default scenery becomes #1 at the top of the window.  I was able to quickly capture a screenshot as this changed and I believe this is what is causing issues.  The library is reordering itself by priority number every time you click ok.  My guess is the FSDT Airports should be #1, 2, 3, 4, etc. and they're getting put below the default scenery.  It's weird that this only seems to be affecting DFW and ORD for me though and not the other airports.  I will take this to the Lockheed forums as well...



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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 06:27:04 pm »
For a split second as the window is closing you can see the entire library re-order itself on the screen and the default scenery becomes #1 at the top of the window.

This really looks like a bug.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 05:22:59 pm »
Just an update on this issue....I reinstalled Prepar3D Version 2 from scratch and with no-add on scenery installed other than FSDT KDFW I am still not seeing the photo-real is a screen shot of what I am seeing as well as the Scenery Library entries.



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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2013, 09:58:46 pm »
Just an update on this issue....I reinstalled Prepar3D Version 2 from scratch and with no-add on scenery installed other than FSDT KDFW I am still not seeing the photo-real is a screen shot of what I am seeing as well as the Scenery Library entries.

Your screenshot is now quite different than the previous one (runway color is now correct), but it's not taken in a way that makes any easier to recognize it if it IS the correct one from KDFW or the default one, because your cockpit blocks the only important detail that would clearly identify it, which are the numbers.

See the attached screenshot how the runway is supposed to look like.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2014, 03:32:16 pm »
Any update on this? Have P3D 2.1 installed and still default runways at DFW.
Ryan Kelly

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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2014, 04:45:25 pm »
Any update on this? Have P3D 2.1 installed and still default runways at DFW.

In my last post, I've posted a screenshot how KDFW looks like in P3D. It was 2.0 back then, but I've reinstalled it in 2.1 and there's no change, it was correct under 2.0 and is still correct under 2.1.

See my screenshot, this is how the runway is supposed to look like. Is yours looking like that ? If yes, it means the scenery is fine.

When I've said "This really looks like a bug", I meant a bug in P3D, in relationship to your report that you had the Scenery Library order reversed, and they re-ordering itself when you pressed the ok button. This doesn't happen here, perhaps they fixed the bug in 2.1 but, if your Scenery Library was already reversed up from the previous bug occurrence, you have everything backward because 2.1 doesn't reorder anymore.

The correct order is just like FSX, with the highest priority sceneries ( airports, etc. ) numbered from 1, etc. and default scenery with higher numbers (which means lower priority), if you have KDFW on a high number, it's wrong but, again, it's nothing related to our installer, if you simply upgraded to 2.1 without a complete uninstall and manual removal of all your %APPDATA% files from 2.0, you are still carrying over the bug from the previous installation.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2014, 03:39:15 pm »
Yes mine looks like this in 2.1.  I was hoping to have the custom textured runways.
Ryan Kelly

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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2014, 10:09:26 pm »
Yes mine looks like this in 2.1.  I was hoping to have the custom textured runways.


- Custom textured runway markings

- Custom textured skidmarks

It doesn't have, instead:

- Custom textured runway background color

It always been like this: it uses customized runway elements, on top of a default runway texture.


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2014, 01:15:33 am »
I know this is just beating the question, but is this going to be fixed in the future?
Alexander Brinson


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Re: P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2014, 10:44:57 am »
What's there to "fix" ? Many of our sceneries don't have a fully-custom runway texture, and use custom markings over a default texture. There's nothing to fix there, it's just how the scenery is made.

I believe you are confusing the first part of this thread, when the runway was totally default (so it WAS a conflict) with the 2nd part, where the runway as posted in the screenshots looks like it's supposed to look like.


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P3D V2.0 Photorealistic runway not showing at DFW and ORD
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2015, 01:08:01 am »
What's there to "fix" ? Many of our sceneries don't have a fully-custom runway texture, and use custom markings over a default texture. There's nothing to fix there, it's just how the scenery is made.

I believe you are confusing the first part of this thread, when the runway was totally default (so it WAS a conflict) with the 2nd part, where the runway as posted in the screenshots looks like it's supposed to look like.
I don't know why the answer has to be so tortured Umberto. Just be candid with us. It sounds like FSDT is unwilling to update the runways at DFW so that they are custom textured ala FSX. I personally think the grey runways in the P3D versions are eyesores as they do not match the taxiway and ramp pavement. It looks like 7 default runway slabs marring an otherwise remarkable rendition of the airport.
Ryan Kelly

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