FS9 support > Los Angeles support FS9

Installing CLAX int. for fs9 from PC Aviator download store

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Han Boerendans:
Hi, Umberto,

The serialnumber I got from PC Aviater did it, I now have the final version.
It really is very detailed and  perfect.

The other items are problematical:

The Addon Manager still is invisible. I indeed saved the download in a self defined map, but from there running the “Setup–VIRTUALI Addon Manager 1.81 Wizard” on my computer,  there is no Addon Manager program  and the Setup-wizard does not ask me where I want to save the program. (No ikon on the desktop, not in the Microsoft Games/ Flight Simulator 9 map, documents map, the program menu, and not in any file after “search”).

In the upper menu bar from a running FS9, the original Addon Manager is still there, with four options marked: “Active Gates, Active Gates Messenger, Dynamic Vehicles for user Aircraft, Dynamic Vehicles for AI Aircraft”.  But they are not shown on the screen.
And aside from having marked them here, I do not know how to activate them

I believe to have read somewhere that there should be some preprogrammed approaches, but also in my situation in SELECT A FLIGHT, there is no category FS Dreamteam or Cloud9 or something like this. (It could be that this only applies to FSX ).

However most important for me is  that the airport is not empty  (I had Blue Print before this and this is the reason I had chosen for Los Angeles from FS Dreamteam).
Dynamic vehicles would be fantastic. Hope you still have some idea’s


--- Quote from: Han Boerendans on November 10, 2013, 09:58:40 pm ---The other items are problematical:
--- End quote ---

Nothing in your post shows you still have problems left in KLAX.

--- Quote ---The Addon Manager still is invisible.
--- End quote ---

According to your post, is now working perfectly.

--- Quote ---I indeed saved the download in a self defined map, but from there running the “Setup–VIRTUALI Addon Manager 1.81 Wizard” on my computer,  there is no Addon Manager program  and the Setup-wizard does not ask me where I want to save the program.
--- End quote ---

You are now confusing the *downloading* process, which is something that's happening in your BROWSER, that will ASK if you want to "Save" or "Execute" the installer, which you described in your previous post, to the *installation* process, which is what you are describing now.

It's normal the installer won't ask you if you want to "Save" the installer: you ARE running it!

--- Quote --- (No ikon on the desktop, not in the Microsoft Games/ Flight Simulator 9 map, documents map, the program menu, and not in any file after “search”).
--- End quote ---

Nowhere in the program documentation is indicated you are supposed to find an "Addon Manager" icon on the desktop or on the program group. The Addon Manager is an FS9 module, which means you don't start it manually, it will start automatically with FS9 and, according to your post, is starting just fine, because you can call it from the FS9 menu and it works.

--- Quote ---In the upper menu bar from a running FS9, the original Addon Manager is still there
--- End quote ---

See ? It's working.

I don't understand what you mean with "original" Addon Manager. There's only one version of the Addon Manager, and it's included with ANY scenery download and the most current version of the files is downloaded together with the scenery installer so, it's not possible to get a wrong/outdated version of the Addon Manager, if you run a scenery installer made by FSDT.

The only reason to download install the Addon Manager separately, is to have a way to update it without reinstalling a scenery of, if you installed something old, for example from Cloud9 (which doesn't have installers that downloads the latest Addon Manager automatically), to be sure you have the latest version.

But any scenery made by FSDT has an installer that automatically downloads and install the latest Addon Manager, so downloading and installing the stand-Alone Addon Manager is not needed. It won't make any harm/difference if you do it, but is not needed.

--- Quote ---with four options marked: “Active Gates, Active Gates Messenger, Dynamic Vehicles for user Aircraft, Dynamic Vehicles for AI Aircraft”.  But they are not shown on the screen. And aside from having marked them here, I do not know how to activate them.
--- End quote ---

Not all sceneries we made have such options so, they are in the program but, if they are greyed out, it means that specific scenery doesn't support them.

It has been a while since we don't use such options anymore, I believe the only scenery that have all of them was Cloud9 EHAM, because it was a scenery that was made before FSX was released. Since FSX already includes all of them by default, and we have a complete ground services products available in FSX ( GSX ), we don't use such options anymore in the FS9 version of our most recent sceneries which are, basically, a straight port back into FS9, without all the FSX-only features.

--- Quote ---I believe to have read somewhere that there should be some preprogrammed approaches, but also in my situation in SELECT A FLIGHT, there is no category FS Dreamteam or Cloud9 or something like this. (It could be that this only applies to FSX ).
--- End quote ---

Nowhere in the KLAX documentation we indicate there are pre-programmed Flights installed with the scenery.

--- Quote ---However most important for me is  that the airport is not empty  (I had Blue Print before this and this is the reason I had chosen for Los Angeles from FS Dreamteam).
--- End quote ---

Are you sure you were saying "not empty" ? Or you mean "is now empty" ? To fill the airport, you must use an AI traffic product, such My Traffic, World of AI, etc.

Han Boerendans:
OK thanks again, so you think the airport scenery is complete now.
Our mails crossed today:
Thinking about it last night, it could be that the downloadfile (at the PC Aviator DVD) is outdated and as you mentioned before, it is not wise to use this since on the FSdreamteam site always the most recent program is available for download.
But now I understand that there is no reason to do this.
Thanks again,
Han Boerendans


--- Quote from: Han Boerendans on November 11, 2013, 10:07:49 am ---Thinking about it last night, it could be that the downloadfile (at the PC Aviator DVD) is outdated and as you mentioned before, it is not wise to use this since on the FSdreamteam site always the most recent program is available for download.
--- End quote ---

I've said that "by the time you'll have to reinstall it", the installer on the DVD might become outdated. Right now it's not, since we haven't updated the KLAX installer recently.

And, about the Addon Manager part, which is updated more often (but not that often in FS9), every installer downloads it automatically from the internet when it starts so, that's doesn't risk to become outdated.


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