So sorry.....I forgot the cfg. file i had copyed and put into the 777-200 aircraft file. I deleted that and it is ok, now!! Maybe a lesson for other users!
I was quite sure of that...yes, of course, a .cfg file in the airplane folder would have an higher priority compared to the one coming with GSX.
The manual explains that, but I admit it could be better explained, this is how the airplane configuration priority system works:
- If there's nothing at all, meaning the airplane is not supported by GSX and there's no config file anywhere, GSX will try to figure out some rough config taking data from the aircraft.cfg. This won't be usually precise enough, but it could be a starting point for a better customization.
- If there's an Intelliscene.cfg in the Simobjects\Airplanes\AIRPLANE_NAME root folder, it will take precedence over the aircraft.cfg.
- If the airplane is supported by GSX in its own internal database ( file FSX\fsdreamteam\Couatl\common\AircraftDb.PYE, which is updated by the Live Update feature ), it will take precedence over the intelliscene.cfg
- If there's a GSX.CFG file in the Simobjects\Airplanes\AIRPLANE_NAME root folder, it will take precedence over the GSX internal database.
- If there's a GSX.CFG in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Airplanes folder, it it will take precedence over the GSX.CFG file in the Simobjects\Airplanes\AIRPLANE_NAME root folder.
In addition to that, if you start customizing an airplane with the GSX airplane editor, a new GSX.CFG file will be created in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Airplanes\AIRPLANE_NAME folder, starting from data of the best possible data source at THAT time (when you first launched the editor on that airplane).
Best practices are:
- If GSX adds support for a new airplane, especially if it's one with tricky custom variables, it's usually best to remove ALL your GSX.CFG files, either in the Simobjects\Airplane\AIRPLANE_NAME AND in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\AIRPLANE_NAME folders, otherwise the GSX internal data won't be used.
- The Simobjects\Airplanes\AIRPLANE_NAME is supposed to be used by DEVELOPERS, as the best possible place to put a GSX.CFG file made by themselves for their own airplane. This way, they can easily distribute the GSX.CFG file, because it's on the airplane root folder together with the aircraft.cfg, and users CAN even customize it further, because users modifications made with the editor will appear in the %APPDATA% folder, so the original file supplied by the developer won't be touched.