Author Topic: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?  (Read 13424 times)


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I upgraded from JFK V1 to JFK V2 ... all seemed good.  Then I got prompted to upgrade the "Add-On Manager" ... so I downloaded the latest version and installed it.  No errors.  So I go into FSX, load up JFK and it's not there?  All I see are Jetways and no buildings?

So I select Add-On Manager, it opens up and I select JFK V2 and it shows as "ACTIVE - but not installed" -- oddly the Add-On Manager version shows  I installed successfully (no errors) so why is it showing the older version?

So now all my FSDT Airports are no longer showing, however my FlightBeam airports are working just fine. 

GSX seems to be working fine also, so I'm really confused at why all my FSDT airports are not showing?

Any hints on how I can fix this, I've invested A LOT in FSDT products (think I have just about all of them).

Attached picture of Add-On Manager.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 09:41:07 pm »

I was able to get back my existing FSDT airports with the only exception being JFK V2 still not showing.

The problem appears to be around the FSDT "activation" process ... when I go into the Add-On Manager now, it shows JFK V2 as "Installed and ACTIVE", but I still don't see the airport, only the Jetways.  See attached picture. 

Please advise how to best proceed to fix this?

Thanks, Rob.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 10:02:22 pm »
Ok this is nuts, I uninstalled JFK V2 (answered NO to the uninstall of Add-On manager since I have other FSDT and FlightBeam products) and yet JFK V2 is still showing in my scenery library?

But it gets worse, the uninstall of JFK V2 (I said NO to uninstall of the Add-On manager) is now preventing me from seeing FlightBeam's KSFO??

The entire Add-On manager and FSDT install/uninstall processing is turning into a complete management nightmare, primarily because it just doesn't seem to work and causes a mess!  And finally, there is NO consistency in how it works ... sometimes the airports will show, sometimes they will not show ... almost seems completely random.

See attached pictures.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2013, 01:01:43 am »
Ok, the version number is coming from bglmanx.dll ... it appears the Add-On Manager found here: was not correctly updated with the version number.

As a result, when I start FSX I keep getting a message that says I need to update my Add-On Manager and tells me to go to the URL I listed above.  But the Add-On manager installer shows but installs version of bglmanx.dll.  It appears the update check process finds a newer version because it thinks is the older version ... so there appears to be a versioning problem somewhere along the line ... if the bglmanx.dll has indeed be modified then it should reflect the new version since this is what's being used as an "update check" value.

Anyway, this mess aside ... I re-installed JFK V2 (after de-activation and uninstalling) and I saw the airport for a few seconds before it went into "Trial Mode".  I opened up the Add-On manager and registered it with serial number ... that process succeeded.  However, still no airport showing, so I exited FSX completely and opened FSX again, went to JFK V2 and still no airport just Jetways.

Would really appreciate some help with solving this.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2013, 01:06:03 am »
Here is an error message I got when installing JFK V2 ... (it continues to install).

see attached picture

FYI, I am running as Admin and tried installing "Run as administrator" that didn't help.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 01:52:14 am »
Ok, finally solved most of the issues and I'm back with all my Airports and GSX working.

There is clearly a problem with the Add-On Manager and the Installers/Uninstallers.  When I try to DE-ACTIVATE a product I get the following error:

eSellerate Fatal FAILURE

But apparently when I uninstalled JFK V2 it also removed GSX but the Add-On manager still listed it as ACTIVE?

I solved my problems with these steps:
1.  Uninstalled JFK V2
2.  Uninstalled Add-On Manager (which removes GSX but leaves it on your PC as installed via Control Panel)
3.  Downloaded current Add-On Manager from FSDT web site
4.  Downloaded JFK V2.1 update from FSDT web site
5.  Downloaded GSX from FSDT web site
6.  Installed JFK V2
7.  Installed JFK V2.1 Update (this solved JFK not appearing)
8.  Uninstalled GSX via Control Panel
9.  Installed GSX (latest version from FSDT web site)

Now everything is back to "normal".

I love your FSDT products, but I gotta be honest, the Add-On Manager leaves MUCH to be desired.  Horrible way to buy/update/install/register FSDT products.



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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 05:12:32 pm »
There is clearly a problem with the Add-On Manager

No, there isn't. From your reports, nothing is related to the Addon Manager.

and the Installers/Uninstallers.  When I try to DE-ACTIVATE a product I get the following error

First, you don't need to Deactivate a scenery to uninstall it. The only reason to Deactivate a scenery, is if you plan to change hardware, so you will not consume an activation if you Deactivate first.

eSellerate Fatal FAILURE

That's not an Addon Manager problem either. It's likely caused by something in your system blocking online access to the activation server, which is needed to be contacted for a deactivation.  This should be fixed by either turning off the firewall or configuring it to grant online access to FSX.

But apparently when I uninstalled JFK V2 it also removed GSX but the Add-On manager still listed it as ACTIVE?

GSX is removed if you reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Couatl engine". Fact the Addon Manager still reports it as Active, is entirely NORMAL. That message indicates ONLY the *activation* status, and that won't change if you simply uninstall. The only way to lose the activation is either change hardware OR explicitly Deactivate yourself.

1.  Uninstalled JFK V2

That's normal.

2.  Uninstalled Add-On Manager (which removes GSX but leaves it on your PC as installed via Control Panel)

That wasn't necessary. And it's still in the Control Panel, if you installed it separately. However, fact that is still in the Control Panel, doesn't mean the Addon Manager is still installed, but only there's still an uninstaller available for it.

3.  Downloaded current Add-On Manager from FSDT web site

That wasn't necessary either. The Addon Manager is included in every scenery installer.

4.  Downloaded JFK V2.1 update from FSDT web site

That wasn't necessary either. The Full installer already contains everything that the 2.1 update contains. The only reason for the 2.1 update to be available, is for users having installed the 2.0 version, which wanted to update with a smaller download.

5.  Downloaded GSX from FSDT web site

That wasn't necessary either, unless your GSX installer was very old (more than 4-5 months), because GSX self updates itself.

6.  Installed JFK V2
7.  Installed JFK V2.1 Update (this solved JFK not appearing)

If your JFK V2 full installer was the 2.1 version, you simply had to install that one.

8.  Uninstalled GSX via Control Panel

No need for this either.

9.  Installed GSX (latest version from FSDT web site)

This could be useful but, as I've said, it was only relevant to having the most updated set of liveries in GSX, didn't had anything to do with seeing JFK or not.

Now everything is back to "normal".

Of all your procedure, the only things that might be needed, were simply installing JFK V2.1 with the 2.1 FULL installer, and the current GSX with the full installer.

I love your FSDT products, but I gotta be honest, the Add-On Manager leaves MUCH to be desired.  Horrible way to buy/update/install/register FSDT products.

The Addon Manager doesn't have anything to do with this. Nothing in your reports could have any relationship with it. It's not possible to get a "wrong" Addon Manager, because EACH and EVERY installer, either scenery or GSX or Addon Manager, ALWAYS DOWNLOADS the Addon Manager so, you can't get it "wrong".

You believed you got the "wrong" version, but just because the INSTALLER has its own version number, which doesn't necessarily must be the same version of the DLL, that's just an assumption you made so no, there are no versioning issues anywhere in the Addon Manager, which couldn't happen in any case, since that .DLL is DOWNLOAD online, and all installers downloads the same file from the same place.

Your problems seems to be caused by:

- The firewall blocking online access to the activation server trying to Deactivate (which wasn't necessary in the first place, unless you wanted to upgrade your hardware too), which caused the Esellerate failure error, which in any case didn't caused the missing airport.

- Some kind of other problem which caused the scenery to disappear, but that didn't had anything to do with the Addon Manager, which doesn't control scenery appearance (that would be Couatl instead), but we could have investigate this by other troubleshooting steps.

All you did wasn't necessary at all, the problem likely fixed itself while you were doing all those unnecessary steps, which are not related in any way to our way of installing/reinstalling, which can't be easier.

Sometimes, Simconnect just gets "stuck", usually because of too many add-ons requiring its services at the same time, and it might require a Windows restart to fix it. All our products use Simconnect and requires that to be working so, if you restarted Windows sometime along the process, this might have fixed the issue, without having anything to do with our installation method or how the installers works, and even less the Addon Manager, which doesn't have anything to do with this.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2013, 03:20:36 am »
Thanks for the response.


My OS firewall is disabled.  My anti-virus/malware software was shutdown.  My router's firewall has been set to pass-thru for my FSX computer.  Any attempt to DE-ACTIVATE still produces the eSellerate Fatal FAILURE message.

When I start FSX, I get a window telling me there is a more recent Add-On Manager that I can update to, I select the option and brings up a screen that tells me what URL to navigate to so I can get the latest Add-On Manager.  I did this and it indicates version (setup_addonmanagerX.exe) ... this installs the bglmanx.dll which is listed as version (this is what runs in FSX).  So it appears the version numbers of bglmanx.dll were NOT updated with the same version number as the installer ( and whatever "checking" process bglmanx.dll performs appears to use it's DLL version number and compares that with the setup_addonmanagerX.exe version number which is  As a result bglmanx.dll is always finding a NEW version that really isn't a new version and prompting me to update when in FSX.   This IS the problem I'm talking about.  So clearly there is some versioning problem or else I would NOT be getting prompt to update every time I start a flight in FSX.

Now I realize that the installer (setup_addonmanagerX.exe) doesn't necessarily have to be the same version of the bglmanx.dll, but it would be an incredible coincidence that one is while the other is ;)

This prompting for updating the Add-On installer is what start the long list of issue.  You are correct, I probably didn't need to do many of these steps and all I really needed was to install JFK V2.1 update to get JFK working again.  But again, it was the continued prompting to get and install a newer Add-On manager that start the problem.  A problem that still exists now, except this time I just "ignore" - option 3 in the menu.

I have "Microsoft ESP SimConnect Client v1.0.20.0" installed.  Has not changed in some time.

But if you have any suggestions about why/how my FSDT airports seem to appear and disappear almost at random now.  I thought I had the problem solved, but I did a flight from KSFO (FlightBeam) to FSDT KLAX, when I arrived at KLAX there "default" airport was there an not FSDT?  Never had this happen before so I exit FSX, restart FSX, select KLAX and go fly and I see FSDT KLAX in all it's glory.

I'm not sure what is going on with my FSDT airports as they seem to randomly appear and then sometimes not appear (as if I'm in Trial mode).  What diagnostics can I do to see why my FSDT airports don't always appear?  If it is a SimConnect "overload" issue, what are my options to prevent this ... not buy any more add-on products ... I hope not, that wouldn't be good for you or me. ;)

Thanks, Rob.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2013, 12:34:46 pm »
My OS firewall is disabled.  My anti-virus/malware software was shutdown.  My router's firewall has been set to pass-thru for my FSX computer.  Any attempt to DE-ACTIVATE still produces the eSellerate Fatal FAILURE message.

I'll check this with Esellerate, perhaps they had a server down. But it won't make ANY difference in your case. Activation status doesn't have anything to do with buildings that disappear. If a scenery is not active or there's anything wrong with the activation, it will NOT disappear, it will run in TRIAL mode, which means everything will work normally, but buildings will disappear after 5-6 minutes. Restarting FSX will start another 5-6 minutes cycle, and so on, with no expiry.

When I start FSX, I get a window telling me there is a more recent Add-On Manager that I can update to, I select the option and brings up a screen that tells me what URL to navigate to so I can get the latest Add-On Manager.  I did this and it indicates version (setup_addonmanagerX.exe) ... this installs the bglmanx.dll which is listed as version (this is what runs in FSX).

As I've said, it's not a problem. The installer version is not NECESSARILY the same as the .DLL. The .DLL IS the latest version, regardless what you see in the installer.

So it appears the version numbers of bglmanx.dll were NOT updated with the same version number as the installer ( and whatever "checking" process bglmanx.dll performs appears to use it's DLL version number and compares that with the setup_addonmanagerX.exe version number which is

You seem to be fast drawing conclusions, but you can't possibly know how the "checking" process is done so, it would be best if you simply trusted what is being explained here.

As I've said, the installer version is not relevant at all. Nothing checks for it.

As a result bglmanx.dll is always finding a NEW version that really isn't a new version and prompting me to update when in FSX.   This IS the problem I'm talking about.  So clearly there is some versioning problem or else I would NOT be getting prompt to update every time I start a flight in FSX.

No. First, there's NO PROBLEM at all. There's no "versioning problem" too. The .DLL you are getting IS CORRECT. You are mislead thinking that was some kind of problem, but there isn't, because you are asked to update the Addon Manager, but this doesn't have anything to do with a versioning problem.

The real issue is, last week we had the site down and the forum down so, we had to move the domain over a backup server and THIS creates an issue with the self-update system, which thinks you need an update when you don't, because the update system doesn't care AT ALL at the .DLL embedded version! How could it possibly know what version is on the server without downloading it first ? That would defeat the purpose of a check in the first place...

Instead, there's an entirely different system which calculates a checksum using web server metadata but, if we move to another web server, the metadata will not match, so the result is that you will be prompted to update even if there wasn't any real need to.

We are now running on the normal server again so, it's possible you were mislead thinking there was some kind of "versioning problem", when there wasn't any, just because of the move to the backup server and the move back to the regular server that happened this week.

But, again, it won't matter AT ALL with your issue because, obviously, both the backup server and the main server holds EXACTLY the same version of the Addon Manager .DLL so, you would get EXACTLY the same file. No chance you ever got a "wrong" file.

Now I realize that the installer (setup_addonmanagerX.exe) doesn't necessarily have to be the same version of the bglmanx.dll, but it would be an incredible coincidence that one is while the other is ;)

Couldn't you simply accept this explanation ? I understand that it might have been confusing, but AFTER I've explained it, just take it for granted, because this is how it is. It would be dumb to force everybody to download an updated .DLL JUST with an higher version number, at least, we'll try to make them being equal, but when there's a REASON to change the bglmanx.dll file.

A problem that still exists now, except this time I just "ignore" - option 3 in the menu.

Ignoring an update will probably fix things now, because you won't be notified until the NEXT update so, you should be now synchronized with the change of the web server which caused the bogus notification in the first place.

I'm sorry, but unfortunately this system, although is VERY reliable and will not force you to download anything more than necessary, IS getting confused when the server is down and we need to move over the backup server, which is something very uncommon, but normally it works.

Note that, I'm simplifying things: it's not that we rely just on ONE server, the normal self-update system ALREADY works in two mirrors, but the self-update issue happens only when the site the forum is on ever goes down, which never happened so far.

I have "Microsoft ESP SimConnect Client v1.0.20.0" installed.  Has not changed in some time.

Never had this happen before so I exit FSX, restart FSX, select KLAX and go fly and I see FSDT KLAX in all it's glory.

??? You fly FSX, but you have the Prepar3D Simconnect client installed ? First, you shouldn't have any client installed in the first place, the only reason to install the client, is if you want to connect with your PC to a REMOTE PC running FSX (or P3D). If you only fly with FSX locally, you don't have to install any client.

But yes, I saw some suggestions about installing the client, as a last measure to "fix" Simconnect issues so I guess you already realized you HAD Simconnect issues in the past, which maybe prompted to you installing the client.

In any case, I'm not sure what might happen when running FSX and installing the P3D Simconnect client, they are a bit different, and P3D use a different kind of linking for its .DLLs (static linking compared to dynamic linking in FSX) so this could possibly create problems, depending on what other Simconnect runtimes and VC++ runtimes you have installed in your system.

If you fly locally, the best Simconnect fixing method is to REMOVE the Simconnect folders and REPAIR the FSX SP2 install.

If you need to connect to a remote PC running FSX, it's best to install the FSX Simconnect client, unless you are flying P3D and want to connect to a P3D PC over the network.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2013, 04:52:13 pm »
Thanks again for the input.

I will trust what you say on the version issue as it has not happened recently after I did the ignore option.

Trial mode has never lasted for more than 1 minute so it's interesting that you suggestion 5-6 minutes?

After entering a serial/keycode and returning to FSX the airport will still not show, I have to exit FSX completely and restart ... but I think this is a known issue with Trial mode to Purchase process?

As far as P3D SimConnect Client, I do have remote processes on another PC that connects to P3D.  On the FSX side I use WideFS.  But to be clear, all the FSDT products are installed in FSX only.

Cheers, Rob.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2013, 12:54:03 am »

Tell you what.  Umberto will never admit it, but either his software or verification software is SERIOUSLY flawed.

The underlying product is nice, but if you can't use it, then it doesn't matter if it will make you breakfast.

Twenty-five plus years at Flight Sim, FSX and Addon Tech Support for 5 years (Remote desktop) where I've fixed more issues that I can remember, and if I'm having problems, then, Umberto, you might want to think about listening to what your customers are trying to tell you. Your stuff is flawed.



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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2013, 02:43:57 am »

Tell you what.  Umberto will never admit it, but either his software or verification software is SERIOUSLY flawed.

The underlying product is nice, but if you can't use it, then it doesn't matter if it will make you breakfast.

Twenty-five plus years at Flight Sim, FSX and Addon Tech Support for 5 years (Remote desktop) where I've fixed more issues that I can remember, and if I'm having problems, then, Umberto, you might want to think about listening to what your customers are trying to tell you. Your stuff is flawed.


Hi, welcome to Flight Simulation!

Since it's obviously your first time here, and you obviously have no idea how FSX works, and even more obviously don't know what's going on in this thread, please realize that the verification software isn't flawed at all, it's because FSX is extremely finicky software.

There are hundreds of replies by Umberto on why it really isn't the FSDT's fault at all, and for him to explain why AGAIN would be extremely pointless.

I encourage you to visit the Avsim forums and read the end of the topic about FSDT's Couatl, you will see the ultimate dedication that Umberto took to carefully answer everyone who was very misinformed about how it actually works.

Now please, Mr. 4 posts, before you draw such a false conclusion, check your facts first before posting again.


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Re: JFK V2 - not showing up? - all of my FSDT airports not showing up?
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2013, 05:48:22 pm »
Twenty-five plus years at Flight Sim, FSX and Addon Tech Support for 5 years (Remote desktop) where I've fixed more issues that I can remember, and if I'm having problems, then, Umberto, you might want to think about listening to what your customers are trying to tell you. Your stuff is flawed.

This are the FACTS:

- You have reported an issue, the "Esellerate Fatal Failure" message.

- This issues doesn't obviously have ANYTHING to do with "our software". Do you know what/who Esellerate is ?

- Esellerate is a 3rd party service we and thousands of other developers, (well outside the flightsim business) use too for sales.

- Last week, they had a problem with some of their activations servers which caused the issue your reported, the "Esellerate Fatal Failure" message. When something lile this happens on the server, which we DO NOT handle, manage or run (we don't even SELL our stuff, you bought from Esellerate!)

- Our software can't do anything, other than duly report whatever error code is reported by Esellerate so, it's not obviously "flawed".

- WE obviously reported this to Esellerate as soon we noticed the problem, and THEY were working at it for the entire past week.

- Their went into maintenance last weekend, and according to them, the problem should have been fixed since last Monday.

- In fact, I haven't got any users reports about the "Esellerate Fatal Failure" errors.

- Even while the Esellerate servers were down, only the ONLINE activation reported this error, the OFFLINE activation (the one that use the web browser to get an activation) ALWAYS worked. Most users figure it out anyway, without needing any help, because I was always checking the daily activation logs, and most of users that got a fatal failure, managed to activate successfully using the manual offline activation.

So, according to all facts:

1) None of the problem you reported were related in any way to "our software"

2) While Esellerate was in maintenance, you still had an alternate way of activating, the offline activation, and that one never stopped working. Many users successfully used that one during that time. That shows how reliable this system is, since you can reactivate even in case of a server failure. So much for being "flawed"...

3) The problem should have been fixed by now, are you posting it again because you are STILL having it, or you just posted without even checking ?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 05:49:57 pm by virtuali »