Hello Folks!
First off, this is all very new to me, posting here, though I do post a lot in the Avsim Forums.
Anyway, I am looking at getting some airports for my FSX library, and move off from aircraft (once that PMDG 777 is released I won't need another!).
So, one of them I am thinking about is KDFW. However I have a few questions:
-The Parkme feature. Is that the automated safedock type thing? If so, can someone point me in the right direction to a picture of one on the scenery?
-I assume it does not include those signs above the gates (with the red lettering?)
- Frame-wise, how good is it. The only scenery I have at the mo is Heathrow Xtreme, and I get about 5/6FPS during the day and if i'm lucky 12 at night. How does this compare?
And finally, quite unrelated to this, are there any airports you "vitally" recommend? For a good starter or, for other reasons, etc....
Thanks folks, I hope I haven't broken any Forum rules, I didn't see a thread containing that, so please, if you want to flame, please do it nicely