Having a similar problem with the jetway at KFLL - not after being parked but when I place the A/C at the airport. I choose my A/C at FSX start-up, then choose the airport and the gate - in this case, I choose KFLL and Gate E3. After clicking on "Fly Now" I'm parked at the selected gate, and if I click on Cntl-J, the jetway activates okay. But when it swings over and deploys the weather cover, it is against the fuselage at least 5-6 feet behind the door. I end up having to go to slew mode and backing the A/C the 5-6 feet so the jetway matches the door. The plane is the PMDG 737NGX, if that makes a difference.
Would this also have to do with the AFCAD being skewed or wrong? I'd like to fix this instead of continually manually adjusting the situation, if possible.