Hang a minute. Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that gsx ground services was all geared up, singing and dancing specifically for FSX
It obviously is, what makes you think, from this thread, is not ? Is working perfectly according to its specifications.
Now if the software cannot do a simple task like providing stairs or a jetway, is that my fault, i think not.
Your fault is the failure to understand (or your lack of willingness to learn about it) the explanation.
Please, re-read my message CAREFULLY, and you'll understand why there's no "problem" to speak of.
If I am requested to open a door then I expect either a jetway or air stair to be there.
Again, your mistake is that you you are launching yourself in a judgement, while you obviously lack the basic knowledge about how standard FSX works, and this if of course entirely unrelated to GSX
Now, let's try it again, in a simpler way:
1) The jetway in a default FSX scenery is displayed (or not)
REGARDLESS OF GSX.2) The jetway in FSX is included in the scenery AFCAD, the AFCAD it's a .BGL file that controls the airport. GSX will tell you how that file is named, in case you want to know how to find it. It was APX46180.BGL in your case. This is a default scenery AFCAD.
3) Whether you have GSX installed or not, it won't make ANY DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER TO HOW FSX displays (OR NOT) the jetway
4) The jetway visibility is controlled by the "Scenery Complexity" setting. Again, this doesn't have ANYTHING to do with GSX.
Let's stop here, so you can read and re-read this, and absorb the basic concept:
Nothing in GSX affects if a jetway is displayed by FSX, or if it's animated or not
Now, I hope you are finally clear up to this point. If you aren't, re-read from 1) again, until you finally absorb the first concept:
Nothing in GSX affects if a jetway is displayed by FSX, or if it's animated or notYou got it now ? If yes, let's discuss the GSX interaction:
5) GSX reads the scenery AFCAD, and recognize WHICH parkings have jetways.
6) If a jetway is found (regardless if you SEE IT), the "Parking has a jetway" option will be checked or not.
7) If that option is checked (because a jetway HAS been found), you won't see front stairs, and of course this is how GSX is supposed to work. You CAN change that option, in case you don't WANT a jetway to be used there, a reason for this might be that you don't want to raise your "Scenery Complexity" level too high, because of fps problems. This is YOUR choice.
You tell a good technical story about this and that, but to be honest I think it's all bull sh't to baffle you paying customer.
First, you should moderate your language. Doing that, will only embarrass you even further than you already have right now on this forum, with all your reports of "bugs" that only proved that you either you haven't read the GSX manual about how is supposed to operate, or you lack basic knowledge about how STANDARD FSX works, like the post about you don't even knew what AI were.
Instead of giving out what might or might not be wrong perhaps some guided helpful advice would be better instead of all this technical cr'p.
I obviously haven't discussed about what might be "wrong": you still don't want to understand there's NOTHING wrong to begin with!
- GSX HAS detected a jetway, as shown by the "Parking has a jetway" option, which is CHECKED.
- GSX is not displaying stairs, which is CORRECT, if the above option is CHECKED.
- You don't see the jetway in FSX. Now remember the previous points:
Nothing in GSX affects if a jetway is displayed by FSX, or if it's animated or notAND
- The jetway display is controlled by the "Scenery Complexity" settings.
- Your "Scenery Complexity" settings is NOT set to the maximum according to your screenshot.
And the solutions is ?
Rise your "Scenery Complexity" setting!!!Of course, as I've said, this doesn't have ANYTHING TO DO WITH GSX!! You wouldn't be able to see that jetway in any case, regardless if GSX was installed or not, if the "Scenery Complexity" slider is not set at the level requested by that jetway in that scenery.
I purchased your software in good faith, I have a high end pc, I installed your software and updated it. Everything is at default. I don't expect to have to spend more time trying to get something to work than using it.
You really need to spend a LOT of time learning to use FSX, instead.
If this is your idea of customer support you can keep it.
Just stop here, accept the explanation, which is CORRECT, and it might help you knowing FSX a little bit better, because you demonstrate you NEED to learn more about it.