Any solution.. I'd like to fix both errors.. I would like to be to try & see if it corrects my smartassembly.dll error I've been getting by doing that method but I also want to be to use my scenery & GSX too..
I'm sorry, but you can't use the XP Compatibility mode with any of our products. And someone suggesting forcing the whole FSX into XP Compatibility mode "just" to fix the UIautomationcore.dll crashes, it's plain wrong, this guy doesn't have the slightest idea what ELSE the XP Compatibility does (for starters, it re-routes each and every file read/write FSX will do, speaking about performances...).
The smartassembly.dll error it's a .NET error, and it's a problem happening to 3rd party add-ons written in .NET (such as the UT2 client, but not only). None of our products use, require, affect or are affected by the .NET runtime. Which is, BTW, another way to waste precious VAS memory from FSX, since any add-on that runs as a in-process .DLL and it's written in .NET, will force the whole .NET runtime to take memory for itself and its pesky garbage collection away from FSX, increasing the chances of OOMs, which is why we stay well clear of it (our modules are written in 100% pure C++ code, for the utmost efficiency and compactness)