Author Topic: Weird - JFK menu v1 & v2, but no GSX (Ctrl-F12)  (Read 4807 times)


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Weird - JFK menu v1 & v2, but no GSX (Ctrl-F12)
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:33:46 pm »
Hi all,
I've had all other FSDT airports and the free GSX addon installed for ages and continues to work fine.  But I just realized after upgrading from JFK v1 to v2, my CTL-F12 menu now shows two line-options, JFK V1 and JFK V2.  Both look like they have identical options, operating hanger doors and so-forth.  But, I do not have the GSX menu option like I do at all other FSDT airports.  This is FSX on Win7-x64.  Both the FSX add-on applet and Windows Add/Remove Programs indicate both KJFK V2 and GSX are installed.  I only have one scenery layer (KJFK V2).

Thanks for your thoughts...


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Re: Weird - JFK menu v1 & v2, but no GSX (Ctrl-F12)
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 11:56:17 pm »
You must have an AFCAD for the JFK V1 still active, possibly because you edited, so the uninstaller hasn't removed it. Be sure you don't have any AFCAD left around from JFK V1 either in the fsdreamteam\JFK\scenery (not KJFK, that's JFK V2) folder or anywhere else.

And, be sure you have GSX fully updated, if you missed a major update in the past, it's best if you reinstall the full version using the most current download.


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Re: Weird - JFK menu v1 & v2, but no GSX (Ctrl-F12)
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 01:43:27 am »
Well...  Almost....  ;)

I did find a legacy ..\FSX\FSDT\JFK folder containing some legacy AES AFCADs - yes, AES JFK was disabled when first installed the V2 version.  So, I deleted that folder and reinstalled the latest GSX download.  Now, I have three menu options, LOL...    1) GSX, 2) KJFKv1, and 3) KJFKv2.

[Moments later]  I decided to search my entire FSX folder for any file/folder containing "jfk"; I found another 'JFK' legacy folder in ..\FSX\FSDT\Couatl\ which contains single file "_init_.pye".  I deleted  this remaining JFK folder and file and indeed, I now have expected menus 1) GSX, and 2) KJFK V2.

Summary - For thread posterity sake, the resolution was to delete two folders \FSDT\JFK and \FSDT\Couatl\JFK and reinstall the lastest GSX download.

Thanks as always, Umberto.   ;D


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Re: Weird - JFK menu v1 & v2, but no GSX (Ctrl-F12)
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 07:54:10 pm »
Summary - For thread posterity sake, the resolution was to delete two folders \FSDT\JFK and \FSDT\Couatl\JFK and reinstall the lastest GSX download.

Nope, that's not the correct solution. The problem was you STILL had some old AFCAD (even AES ones) for JFK active. Yes, you "solved" the issue by removing that folder inside Couatl but, that file is loaded ONLY if there IS an old AFCAD for JFK V1 active!

It's SUPPOSED to stay there without being removed, if you had to remove to "solve" your problem, it's *because* you still have a JFK V1 AFCAD active.

The correct solution is to find the offending AFCAD and remove it, and this will make that .PYE file inactive. If you don't do this, that file will reappear in the next Live Update anyway, because its presence it's not an "error", since it starts only when it finds a JFK V1 AFCAD, which after a normal uninstall of JFK V1, shouldn't be there anymore.