Author Topic: Double Jetways  (Read 20580 times)


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2013, 07:15:00 pm »
Now everything works fine again, but the double jetways persist. Really bad thing this. I tried to revert my last Nvidia settings, but this didn't change a thing. Also changing fsx graphic settings didn't had any influence.

But now, it's time for a bit flying.


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2013, 09:06:11 pm »
Yes, with no offence for you, please!,  I don't like to share my pc with other persons!

 ??? What Harm is it going to Do ? It's not like Umberto can go and open your banking information..


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2013, 11:01:21 pm »
??? What Harm is it going to Do ? It's not like Umberto can go and open your banking information..

Especially considering that, during a Teamviewer session, the host sees exactly what the controlling side is doing.


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2013, 09:39:07 pm »
I have installed JFKV2 like many others on here and I get the same issue ie default jetways as well as the ones from JFKv2, my install of fsx is on a brand new reinstalled PC and when I remove it (ie untick) from the scenery library it still shows as JFKv2.


Ps I have deleted it fomr the scenery library and yet JFKv2 shows but with inly default FSX jetways surely that's not correct.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 09:49:57 pm by Hornetville »


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2013, 09:51:03 pm »
I have installed JFKV2 like many others on here and I get the same issue ie default jetways as well as the ones from JFKv2

As already explained to a previous poster, your problem doesn't have anything to do with the subject of this thread. This thread discussed ONLY the problem happening on some gate that CUSTOM JFK V2 jetways splits up ONLY after they start to move.

You and another poster are reporting an entirely different issue, which is DEFAULT jetways showing up together with the JFK V2 custom ones.

And as explained to all other having this issue, when you have default things popping out, and especially jetways, it's ALWAYS caused by another AFCAD in conflict OR some kind of changes in the default AFCAD for JFK.

Only an AFCAD can contain default jetways, and the most likely source of conflict are AFCADs supplied with AI Traffic packages, such as My Traffic X, Traffic X, etc.

You should use the free FSX Airport Scanner program to search for AFCAD duplicates and remove them all. If that scanner doesn't find them, it doesn't mean you don't have such duplicates, but just that you have a duplicate that program can't find, so you must search for it manually.

This, of course, assuming you have JFK V2 on top of the scenery library, which is were the installer puts it by default.

when I remove it (ie untick) from the scenery library it still shows as JFKv2.

That's also not a problem or an indication of some kind of problem, because when you disable JFK V2 in the Scenery Library, you disable very few things in the scenery, just the .BGLs, and 80% of the scenery is not made by .BGLs, so it will still show, without this meaning anything or being an indication something is wrong. Of course, if you restart FSX with JFK V2 disabled, nothing will show up.

This is normal, and doesn't have anything to do with default jetways showing up, which are instead caused by another AFCAD coming from another scenery or AI traffic package.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 09:53:10 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2013, 09:57:04 pm »
I did restart FSX after deleting it from scenery library and the JFKv2 scenery was still there, I dont have any traffic installed so thats nothing to do with it also some gates have stirs on the side of the gate rather than doen and no numbers above them ie D...


Ps I have removed it completely including taking FSDreamteam folder out of FSX and now it's back to default, I cannot believe you are blaming users when it is an issue with the add on that I purchased.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 10:04:24 pm by Hornetville »


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2013, 10:17:50 pm »
also some gates have stirs on the side of the gate rather than doen and no numbers above them ie D...

Which numbers are you referring to ? This doesn't have anything to do with double or default jetways too.

Ps I have removed it completely including taking FSDreamteam folder out of FSX and now it's back to default

Well, of course, but that doesn't mean the JFK V2 it's a problem.

Yes, I know it might sound counter-intuitive to you, because you don't know how our software works, and works in a way that it looks for a specific file to know if it need to generate buildings, and it's still possible that another file might contain the same info that our software looks for in order to check if the scenery it's there.

If that file is in another folder which IS active, it might be identified as being part of JFK V2, this happened with KLAX: a freeware scenery by chance had the same size AND the same name as one of the files used with KLAX, so it seemed that KLAX was installed when it wasn't.

I cannot believe you are blaming users when it is an issue with the add on that I purchased.

I'm not obviously "blaming the user", I've just said the problem was caused by something external, what this has anything to do with "blaming" you ?

There just ONE another user that had the same problem in this thread, perhaps he had the same scenery installed, but he refused by offer to start a Teamviever session to find the cause, because (obviously) if it was a problem within JFK V2 itself, it would happen to EVERYBODY, not just 2 users out of several thousands  that already downloaded it.

If it's ok for you, I can use Teamviewer to have a look at your installation, so we might finally know what is causing it.


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2013, 10:21:21 pm »
Am happy to start a teamviewer session with yourself, have no issue with that at all, I would just like this scenery to work as JFK worked.



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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2013, 10:24:40 pm »
Then just PM me with session id and password, I'm ready when you are.


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2013, 11:31:42 pm »
Turn out to be the double jetways were those from AES. It's important you keep AES disabled at JFK until is updated to support JFK V2


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2013, 09:54:16 am »
Blaming each other doesn't bring a solution to this problem. When I test scenery which I develop myself, I have to reload the scenery library to test my changes. Then all dynamic objects are reloaded and appear double. Some like AI traffic are just driving behind each other, others are within each other like the jetways. Creating a test flight and reloading this situation, clears all double dynamic scenery and gives back a lot of fps. I get double jetways on my sceneries too, when I reload the scenery. If I reset the situation, the double jetways are gone. JFK2 behaves differently. The double jetways stay. Loading the scenery with a fresh started fsx gave me single jetways. So it has certainly to do with how FSX handles jetways. The question is, what is different about the jetways at JFK. Opening the afcad in ADE9X doesn't show anything special. Maybe Umberto has an answer to this.


P.S. AES is off at my JFK V2
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 12:34:36 pm by blaunarwal »


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2013, 01:43:18 pm »
Blaming each other doesn't bring a solution to this problem.

As I've said, after our Teamviewer session, we found that double jetways in THAT case, were caused by AES.

So it has certainly to do with how FSX handles jetways


The question is, what is different about the jetways at JFK. Opening the afcad in ADE9X doesn't show anything special. Maybe Umberto has an answer to this.

The issue is, this thread is very confusing, because there are people that posted with DIFFERENT issue, that doesn't have anything to do with each other, and are caused by very different things:

1) JFK jetways mixed with *default* jetways and double control towers, double buildings, etc. This is SURELY caused by another AFCAD in conflict.

2) JFK jetways mixed with copies of *JFK* jetways in slightly different positions. No other double objects. This is caused by AES, because the double jetways are created by AES, but they look like JFK jetways too, and they are misplaced because their positions were based on JFK V1 so AES must be updated to support V2 to fix this.

3) JFK jetways that looks correct, but split in two ONLY after they start to move, and no other double objects around. This is really a mystery, and it's likely another FSX jetways bug similar to the sinking wheels problem, it doesn't happen only at JFK, we saw it at other airports too, and it appears randomly without a clear pattern, the same jetway that used to work in a session, splits up in the next one, and this leads to believe it has something to do with a problem with graphic resource handling in FSX.

So, to sum it up, of the 3 causes that were discussed here (even if the thread's subject was really about #3), two are caused by external products, and the 3rd one is an FSX bug, the only sure thing, it's nothing *specific* to JFK V2. It's possible this bug is triggered if jetways are more complex of x polygons, but they are the same model we used in JFK V1, just moved to slightly different positions, so we really don't have a firm idea of the possible causes, other than being an FSX bug.

Sooner or later, we'll finally have to tackle the jetway issue once and forever in GSX, and stop relying on FSX for their handling.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 02:22:10 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2013, 02:02:47 pm »
I meant an answer to your point 3) (real twins, real mistery) ::)


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2013, 05:24:23 pm »
I meant an answer to your point 3) (real twins, real mistery) ::)

We worked a bit on them today, and maybe found the issue. It IS an FSX bug, but it's more a bug of the AFCAD handling of exclusion zones, not really specific to jetways.

Would like to hear some feedback about the updated AFCAD attached here, if it fixes the issue, we'll post it online and make it official. Put the updated AFCAD in the FSX\fsdreamteam\KJFK\scenery folder.


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Re: Double Jetways
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2013, 12:12:07 am »
Umberto, the updated AFCAD has fixed the jetway issue for me.