Products Support > XPOI FSX/P3D

POIs titles miss some letters!! **SOLVED**

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Hello All,

I have a strange problem regarding the titles of the POIs. Some names miss some letters For example, "DEER HARBOR" is written "DE R HA BOR".

The problem happens randomly  as Illustrated in the attached photos: the first file contains the title "DE R HARBOR". Then when I disabled the XPOI names and re-enabled it using the shortcuts, I noticed that the missing letters are different in the same title! as you can see in the second file: "DEER HA BOR".

Thank you in advance for your help


I also have this same exact problem and am anxious to hear about possible casuses/solutions!


I solved the problem the hard way. I mean, I had several problem in my laptop and I had to reset it to manufacture setting. Everything was deleted  and my laptop restarted as new one with only windows. (Reinstalling every thing... , what a nightmare  :-[)

However, in installing FSX and all my addons I did something different. I suggest you do try it. It may work.

              1. I have windows 8, so I disabled completely UAC from the registry of the windows.


In the right pane look for EnableLUA and modify its value to 0. Close regedit.

                  2. In installing FSX, and all my addons, I run the setup files "as administrator"

Try make the first suggestion, and then re-install the XPOI app. It may work with you

Best regards,




--- Quote from: aymanbakr on May 29, 2013, 04:52:11 am ---HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

In the right pane look for EnableLUA and modify its value to 0. Close regedit.
--- End quote ---

The run all setup files "As Administrator" is not needed for our installers, since they are all already flagged to ask administrator permissions automatically so, this won't change anything with our installers.

But this LUA thing is interesting, it looks like it's a system-wide enabler/disabler for LUA, it's possible that if LUA uses pipes (an internal way of communication between apps), like Simconnect, it might conflict with it, perhaps slowing it down, and this might affect ANY FSX application that uses Simconnect.

I certainly don't want to have to reinstall FSX or disable UAC in Win 8.  Any other ideas on how to fix the missing letters issue?! :-[


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