Author Topic: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message  (Read 6233 times)


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JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« on: April 30, 2013, 06:40:06 pm »
Hi everyone: I purchased JFK back in 12/2012 and haven't been able to enjoy it because at approaching the airport the FPS goes close to 5 or 6 and then crashes FSX with the typical OEM windows 7 message display, which incidentally, don't believe anyway. I have an INTEL i7 (6cores - overclocked to 4.5 - CoolMaster Cooling ll) with 24GIG of RAM. I also have installed an  GEForce GTX580 - 1536MB, overclocked to a Core Voltage of 1075 mV.
Of all the addon-ons I have (ORBX, AEROSOFT to name a few) this is the only one who makes my system crash.
I was wandering if the new vesion of JFK V2 would solve my problem since, it's my understanding, it no longer includes code for FS9, bringing less complications during execution time. I fly plan NY quite often and I'm force to use FSX Newark Int'l instead to finish my fly normally.
Thank you, George


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Re: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 09:09:11 pm »
I'm not sure what you are referring with the "OEM Windows 7 message", the message that sometimes appears about a 3rd party module having a problem, is something specific to FSX, it's not from Windows, and it's some kind of longstanding bug FSX has regarding to trust signed modules.

Or, are you referring to something else ?

And besides, fact that you have 5-6 fps with such system, clearly indicates your system has serious problems, you should be way above 30 fps with such system, unless you had your setting unreasonably high, with an impossibly long list of add-ons running together at the same time.

In any case, you can simply install the scenery and try. That's why we have Trial versions for. The fps is surely improved in V2, but if your system was running so bad before, it's possible you might not even see a big improvement. I would check all that overclocking: if you don't have the cooling system working properly, you risk *lowering* your performances by overclocking, because if there's too much heat,  the CPU will automatically clock itself down to prevent damage.


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Re: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 10:29:46 pm »
My fault... I made a typo, I meant to say OOM "Your computer has run out of available memory" instead.
Perhaps I did not explain the problem correctly. First, I would like to say that my system runs perfect! the overclocking made to both CPU and GPU were well set and I've been running under these condition for almost a year now with out any problesm at all. The water cooling system takes care of the cooling and the CPU runs at a maximum of 70 deegres  and 60deegres for the GPU.
I have over 35 addons -between airplanes, cities and airports that I use at all times and the overall FSX performance is 35/72 FPS give and take. JKF is the only addon I have had trouble with. Hence I was wondering if V2 was a bit faster.
Normally, I run trials with most of the stuff I purchase. But, this time I did not do that with JFK. My fault again!
Anyway, thank you for your reply and time.


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Re: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 11:08:21 pm »
JFK is the only addon I have had trouble with. Hence I was wondering if V2 was a bit faster.

If you really had 35 fps minium at other places, and you have 5-6 at KJFK, the only possible explanation, is that something ELSE is causing this kind of problems in the New York area. Most likely candidates are Autogen (the default one around JFK is very slow) and too many AI.

These screenshots compares JFK V1 and V2 on my system, which is far for being the best suited for FSX ( 2009 MacPro with 2.66 Xeon processor + nVidia 670GTX, no kind of overclock). Sure, JFK V2 is faster, but V1 wasn't really "slow"

So, whatever put your fps so low at JFK V1, wasn't JFK.

About OOM, if you followed all the discussions about Vancouver, which some users thought to be a "cause" for OOMs, it was clear that you just can't fault any single add-on for being the cause of OOMs: if your setup for a specific area is ALREADY very close to the limit, because you put your settings too high and use too many add-ons in a certain place, just adding anything more will put you a risk of OOMs, without this being the "fault" of anything.

People usually put the blame on the last thing they bought ( "hey, I never saw this message before installing xxxxx, so it must be it!" ), but since FSX, as a 32 bit app, has an absolute limit of 4GB or RAM in total, and the OOM message comes even before reaching it, if new add-ons comes and users pretend to be able to use them all together, without being prepared to compromise a bit on settings at least, if users don't start learning how to configure their setup, sooner or later nobody will ever be able to install anything else, and OOM will appear everywhere.

With CYVR, we offered the ability to configure the scenery resolution very precisely, and this will help lowering the memory footprint. Using DX10 will also help a lot, because under DX9 a lot of memory is wasted. For JFK, since it's a simpler scenery, it's usually enough to lower the texture resolution in the Addon Manager from 4096 to 2048 or even 1024, and that will reduce the memory footprint of the scenery, so will using DX10, since the scenery is compatible with it.

But if you had OOMs with JFK V1 already, V2 won't help with that. In fact, it even uses more memory than V1 because, as usual in this kind of things, there's no "free lunch" and the faster FSX native graphic commands, also take more memory than the slow and inefficient FS8/FS9 code we removed from V1 to V2. So, the fps will be higher, but you will have to be more careful with your memory.

I'd say that, the same thing that caused abnormally low fps at JFK ( 5-6 is really the *lowest* I ever heard, and it's really a first ), was also the cause for OOM.

And no, it doesn't make much sense comparing other products, because each area is different and the New York area is peculiar, and with 3 large airports in a very short distance (JFK, LGA and EWR) if you have an AI package that works with busy real world schedules, what is killing your fps AND causing OOMs might be those hundreds of AI models and textures in a very small area and this, combined with the already problematic New York default scenery, might be the cause of all your issues.


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Re: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 08:40:14 pm »
Umberto, Thank you again for taking the time to answer my post.
There is a sort of contact "bridge" between Windows OS and 3rd party applications. This bridge allocates and distributes system resources to those applications. This function is controlled by the "UIAutomationCore.dll". It's located in windows\system32 & windows\syswow64 folders respectively. I thought that,  if I delete that dll, FSX will have all the resources it needs to run more smoothly, so I moved them out of there. After that,  FSX brought a higher FPS (18 to 27), especially when my fly was getting closer to JFK airport and its surrounded areas.
I have to say that, so far (and I touch wood while writing this), no OOM's or similar errors have come out to the system yet. Nevertheless, I was finally able to land my Beechcraft DUKE at JFK!
I don’t really know what kind of impact could result by getting rid of the UIAutomationCore.dll. I would see... and certainly keep you inform of new developments.
Thanks again,


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Re: JFK V1 Made FSX crash with the OEM message
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2013, 09:11:52 pm »
UIAutomationcore.dll is related to the FSX menu system, and in fact, this bug is probably the most widely known in FSX, if you search for it, you'll find tons of results.