General Category > General Discussion

Cloud9 versus Fsdreamteam


Air Holland:
Hi Fsdreamteam.

I just wondering is fsdreamteam the new name of Cloud9 or is it a total new company

We are saying who we are in the Contact page of this site.

More precisely:

Some people are former Cloud9 employees
Some are former Cloud9 freelancers

The owner of FSDreamTeam is VIRTUALI s.a.s, my company.

Cloud9 is a VIRTUALI customer, just like Aerosoft is, just like Skymakers (a chilean developer) is, because they all used VIRTUALI Addon Manager for their sales, under license. Also, VIRTUALI helped developing some products that were published by Cloud9, the list is on the Contact page of this site.

About ownership, Cloud9 and VIRTUALI are always been entirely separate companies, owned by different people. VIRTUALI never had any interest or shares in Cloud9, and vice-versa. VIRTUALI has been founded in 1993, Cloud9 has been founded in (I think) 2003 or 2004.

So, FSDreamTeam is not a new name for Cloud9, nor it's Cloud9 under disguise: it's just a new brand of a very old FS developer, that has been around for probably much more time than anyone else in this business (except Microsoft, perhaps...), that simply chose not to self-publish, until today.


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