Author Topic: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW  (Read 10454 times)


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Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:27:00 am »
I just installed all the major airlines from WOAI and all the liveries are showing up just fine at every airport except KDFW. I can only get AAL at KDFW. FSDreamteam KLAX shows all of them. Any suggestions on what might be causing the problems at KDFW?




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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 12:49:53 pm »
I can only get AAL at KDFW. FSDreamteam KLAX shows all of them. Any suggestions on what might be causing the problems at KDFW?

Could you explain this better ? What does it mean "only AAL at KDFW" ? Isn't AAL=American Airlines ?

Or, are you saying you DO have American Airlines, but not the other American Airlines-related companies that don't have the AAL code ? According to the AFCAD that comes with KDFW, you should see AALX at Terminal B


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 03:45:34 pm »
Hi Umberto. Nice to hear from you again.
Yes, all the planes at all terminals at KDFW are American Airlines (AAL). The are no other liveries showing up other than American airlines. Last night there were probably 100 planes sitting through the entire airport in all different terminals. They were all American airlines.  I have 30 different liveries installed that are showing up just fine at all other airports and in the proper terminals. KDFW is the only airport that is having this problem.
 If fixing the problem involves AFCAD files, you'll hve to educate me on what they are, what function they serve, and what to do with them to try and fix this problem. I've read that a problem such as this could be AFCAD files.
Thanks in advance for all your help.



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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 07:11:17 pm »
They were all American airlines.  I have 30 different liveries installed that are showing up just fine at all other airports and in the proper terminals. KDFW is the only airport that is having this problem.

Check better: most of the Terminals at KDFW have airline codes for AAL or AALX, which is correct, but you should see several international airlines at Terminal D, and other US airlines such as COA or UAL at Terminal E.


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2013, 07:18:41 pm »
The two attached screenshots shows other airlines at Terminal D and Terminal E, using Ultimate Traffic 2.


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2013, 07:47:04 pm »
Just did a fly around in a helicopter. Here's what I saw:

1) Terminal C - 100% american airlines
2) Terminal A - 100% American airlines
3) Terminal B - no planes, completely empty
4) Terminal D - 20 American Airines planes with a couple international carriers on the far South side.
5) Terminal E - A few domestic carriers ( United, Continental, Northwest, etc....)

Does this seem correct to you?


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 08:16:41 pm »
Does this seem correct to you?

Nothing strange, you have several mixed airlines on D and E, exactly as I've indicated you are supposed to have. Terminal B is American Eagle but that doesn't mean only American Eagle would park there, just they will *prefer* to go there, but if your traffic schedule doesn't have any AALX, you should see other airlines there, not an empty terminal.

The parkings are all flagged as Gates and their radius varies from 30 to 40 meters, so they are large enough to accept a wide variety of models.

I can see many American Eagle AI with UT2 at Terminal B, which is to be expected.


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 09:51:56 pm »
Are you referring to AALX = American Airlines Connection ? I down loaded American Connection in the WOAI packages but they do not have American Eagle specifically. Can you recommend a place to find a free version of American Eagle AI? Also, since I apparently don't have American Eagle,  shouldn't terminal B should be filing up with other planes as you mentioned ? Again, I'm using "WOAI".


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2013, 10:34:21 pm »
AALX appears as American Eagle, at least in UT2. I'm sorry, but can't give any specific advice on WoAI, other than suggesting using a native FSX product such as UT2, because it's better for the framerate (WoAI are mostly FS9 models)


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2013, 01:32:32 am »
OK, thanks as always for your help and taking time out. It's much appreciated.


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2013, 05:49:49 am »
Part of the problem you're seeing is that WOAI and several other older freeware ai packages coded individual commuter airlines. This creates a problem when you're making an afcad for several commuters at one airport.


KDFW is served by American Eagle but is now also being served by Skywest and Expressjet. Years ago, you could have just coded EGF (American Eagle) the airport and been okay. But the world continues to turn and airlines change their commuter partners. Now you have EGF, SKW (Skywest), and ASA (Expressjet who merged with ASA (ASA) and are now both owned by Skywest but operating separately - confusing, right?).

To fix this, afcads have evolved too. Instead of listing each individual commuter, afcads now have and "X" added to designate commuter airlines. For example, any feeder for American (AAL) is designated "AALX." This allows the afcad to stay current no matter who is partnered with the mainline. Unfortunately, nobody has updated the older WOAI packages to reflect this.

You can fix this by editing the aircraft.cfg of your American Eagle ai. Change the line that says "atc_parking_codes=EGF" to "atc_parking_codes=AALX, EGF". That should fix your parking issue.


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Re: Woai- American Airlines only appears at KDFW
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2013, 06:12:36 am »
Thanks for the reply. Unfortuneatly American Eagle was not offered in WOAI packages, just American Connection. I've look high and low and can't find an American Eagle AI. If you have any suggestion on where to look that would be great. Tried Avsim and the usual suspects already.