I recently purchased GSX and found a couple of issues.
1. The COUATL is not run when FSX starts. I followed the instructions about turning off the antivirus, adding the exceptions and reinstalling GSX but no joy. My workaround is to create a shortcut of COUATL exe and run it from there after starting FSX. After that the dropdown menus become visible. It's a bit frustrating - I can live with it, but much appreciated if there is a solution to fix this.
2. When I order a pushback, I can see the pushback truck hook itself up to the aircraft (PMDG 737NGX) and after the announcement by the ground crew, I select Yes on the window, the truck disappears. The aircraft continues to move until I press Shift-P to stop it. Is it something I'm doing wrong? Everything else seem to work, ie passenger boarding, catering trucks, baggage trucks, fuel trucks all works well.
Any advice appreciated for both issues.
My FSX config - FSX with Acceleration, ORBX FTX Australia SP4, REX + Overdrive, MyTrafficX 5.4, FS2Crew PMDG 737NGX, FSRecorder and EZDOK running on Windows 7 N (European version) 64-bit, Intel i5 3570K overclocked to 4.6GHz.