Author Topic: Editing PHNL  (Read 5896 times)


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Editing PHNL
« on: March 17, 2013, 11:19:44 pm »
I've been making parking size and assignment changes to PHNL using ADE (v1.50.4402).  Now I want to add a relatively new 1000' x 400' concrete parking apron just west of the fire station.  I can't find a way to do it with ADE or by editing the xml file. The apron apprears on ADE but not in FSX.  In looking at the FSDT files, it looks like the concrete aprons are painted onto the appropriate texture files. But I hit a wall in trying to add the custom markings (taxi lines, etc.).  It looks like one of the Stricexx.bgl holds the code for laying down the markings that are in the DET texture files.  But I can't open that file.  I had errors using BglAnalyzeX ("Error: BGL is not of a type that can be disassembled by this program"), and Bgl2XmlGui ("BGL ID 1 not correct").  What kind of files are they?  What tools do I need to view and edit them?  Or am I wrong in my assessment?


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Re: Editing PHNL
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2013, 11:57:51 pm »
I am not really sure if you want to create a visual concrete area on our photoreal, but if this is the case, you can't do that.
With ADE you can only create a parking that you will be able to use as starting point or be used by AI aircraft.
Doing a visual concrete area, should be made by changing the bitmap tile of the corresponded spot.
You need to be in knowledge of doing such mod.
Hope this help