Buut we hear promises of new implements, and have for some months now. Winter is almost over and the seasonal De-icing is soon coming to an end. Shouldn't you concern on this product again? Isn't it "THAT" time for something more?
As I've said, the first next update will have user-selection for ground operators and it shouldn't take very long.
De-icers wil come after that, but are a larger update, because we don't just need to do de-icers, but integrate them in the system, including the ability to customize their position in the editor, etc.
But BEFORE doing any "new feature" update, we are still sorting out a few bugs left which are affecting a FEW USERS only, were sometimes the right AFCAD is not being read or no AFCAD is read at all, result in no services.
This has the topmost priority, because we value the experience of existing customers (even if only a few are affected) higher than adding new features, which is meant more to attract new customers instead, so this is what we are working at right *now*. Even if new features are of course interesting for existing users too, it's way more important to be sure the program works correctly for everybody.