Author Topic: FPS  (Read 58954 times)


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« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2013, 10:35:27 pm »
I have to say that I am really let down by this whole ordeal. I was sure you were going to help us.

Your replies seems to go in the exact opposite direction of what I'm obviously doing: I'm HELPING you UNDERSTAND this. It seems as if I say "white", and you understand "black", really...

It's more like I am saying "white" and you respond with, "that is a color".

Anyways, what tests do you want done?


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« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2013, 10:58:34 pm »

I have given you screenshots in the exterior model.

I they destictly show there is a leak.

I am happy to go on team viewer and show you myself? To try and pin point the issue



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« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2013, 11:03:07 pm »
I don't know why people are getting errors Its running fine for me so far,  Ill post mine setup fps I'm not using Vancouver city add-on and I only have orbx pnw demo. forgot to mention its with the pmdg 737 ngx the displays are on but you can't see them in the screen shot.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 11:12:19 pm by Silverbird »

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« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2013, 11:05:53 pm »
Anyways, what tests do you want done?

I asked the following to aceridgey exactly 4 times:

A default airplane, in 2D panel view, without the 2D panel, and with the fps set to Unlimited.

I wasn't able to get a figure. And then you enter the thread, stating I shouldn't dare to propose using default planes, without panels, etc, missing the whole point of the testing.

Should I add (again) THIS IS A TEST ? It's ONLY to assess you currently starting situation, under a configuration similar to mine. Then we can proceed with other things to test.


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« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2013, 11:06:04 pm »
Concerning FPS issues. For Nvidia cards. Have you looked into this:
I discovered this about a year ago and since then I've never had to be bothered with slow framerates. Nvidia Inspector latest version It includes a frame rate limiter which means you set your frame rate within FSX to unlimited and then with the Nvidia Inspector you set it to 30 or whatever you prefer. There are other settings that will improve the quality, performance, and enjoyment of FSX.
Also, check Bojote's Tweaking and Tuning tool for FSX
CYVR works fine on my rig which is nearly two years old. See specs below. VYCR performs as well as all the other FSDT products. No issues whatsoever.
I use HD textures. REX essential overdrive. HD clouds 4096 x 4096 Resolution  Orbx, FSaddon Vancouver+ 3, FSX settings to the max. All FSDT sceneries, Aerosoft sceneries/aircrafts. Including the latest Airbus X Extended, PMDG, Carenado. Pretty much the latest and complex addons. If not for the items I mentioned in the above links I would not have been able to enjoy FSX to its fullest. I would encourage you to check out the info. Learn as much as you can about how FSX works and what can affect performance issues. Also make sure your hard drive is not badly fragmented.


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« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2013, 11:09:42 pm »
I have given you screenshots in the exterior model.

Which wasn't what I've asked

I they destictly show there is a leak.

They only show you have low fps. They don't show any "leak" and of course there's nothing there which tells the low fps is *caused* by the airport.

I am happy to go on team viewer and show you myself? To try and pin point the issue

We might eventually try that, but for the time being, just to this:

A default airplane, in 2D panel view, without the 2D panel, and with the fps set to Unlimited. Try to set the plane in a position similar to my first screen that showed 51.2 fps, and give me the number, please.


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« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2013, 11:51:41 pm »
I willl continue the tests as you have asked tomorrow.

There is obviously an issue Umburto, look at the amount of people bring up the same issue. The solution lies in the centre of the airport, of that I am sure.

We're not stupid ;-), most of us have been around a little while


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« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2013, 11:59:04 pm »
There is obviously an issue Umburto, look at the amount of people bring up the same issue. The solution lies in the centre of the airport, of that I am sure.

There's obviously an issue caused by something else, which not only doesn't affect my system, but it doesn't affect other users too. Some of them have fortunately posted in this very thread, with screenshots showing VERY good fps, for example Silverbird here:

Final approach with PMDG, terminal in view, and AI too, 42 and 38 fps on ground, very good considering his configuration. Another user who posted here, Bill511, confirmed he doesn't have the slightest fps issue with CYVR, and he uses many addons too.

You mentioned me "dodging questions", yet you managed to skip my question for 5 times in a row, let's try another time, this will be the 6th:

A default airplane, in 2D panel view, without the 2D panel, and with the fps set to Unlimited. Try to set the plane in a position similar to my first screen that showed 51.2 fps, and give me the number, please.


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« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2013, 12:30:06 am »
Wasn't there a duplicate tower in one of the images?

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« Reply #39 on: January 08, 2013, 01:05:28 am »
Wasn't there a duplicate tower in one of the images?

You mean the images posted by Silverbird a few posts before ? They looks fine to me.


Now I see it!! You mean one of the images posted by aceridgey. YES, there is double everything, two towers, two radars, etc. Thanks a lot, and silly me for not having noticed it before.


You have a duplicate scenery!! That's explains everything, no wonder the center area drops the fps, that's the DEFAULT scenery popping out! I should have looked better, and noticed before.

But, really, you are seeing the scenery live on your system, which is surely much clear view than a screenshot, and haven't noticed you have TWO control towers, and probably the whole default airports buildings mixed up ? No wonder your fps is low, it's even a miracle the scenery didn't crash...

Try to use the Free FSX Airport Scanner, to search for AFCAD duplicates, and remove all the extra.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 01:13:43 am by virtuali »


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« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2013, 01:16:24 am »
Ignore this post - I missed some of the thread  ;)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 01:23:35 am by Andrew737 »
Regards Andrew


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« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2013, 01:18:28 am »
Wasn't there a duplicate tower in one of the images?
Yeah. I see it too. It's peeking out from behind the one in the foreground. I just checked and it's missing from mine. BTW when I checked it was sunset and CYVR looked beautiful.
Kudos to Philippine for that catch.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 01:20:38 am by Bill511 »


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« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2013, 01:31:23 am »
Umberto, I ran your test in the same position with no 2D panel and a default plane. I was getting 61FPS. I reset my Nvidia Inspector Settings but that had little effect.


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« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2013, 02:05:27 am »
Umberto, I ran your test in the same position with no 2D panel and a default plane. I was getting 61FPS.

That's very good, and at least shows that what pertains to the scenery, performs well. Note that, it's possible that, if you had your vertical sync locked, since that number is very similar to the monitor refresh rate, it's possible you might even go faster than that, by disabling vertical sync. If was already disabled, than it's fine too, 61 fps is surely good.

Now, starting from there, you might have some ideas how the fps goes down. For example, using a 3rd party average complex airplane, then the PMDG NGX, both in 2D and VC, and you might seeing some pattern.

For example, I see a big difference with the PMDG between 2D and VC mode. It's much faster in 2D, which is a shame, considering the VC is that airplane strong point (but it's really a monster, with more than 1000 drawcalls).

The image posted by Silverbird, shows the PMDG on approach, from the VC, at 42 fps, which I find to be very good, what fps you get in a similar situation/position ?


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« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2013, 10:10:09 am »

You guys put my hopes up then!! :P> No I have just flown in the ultralite. [fps still around 15fps in some places]. I do not have any duplicates apart from a house on one of the terminal roads.

This is you on the avsim forums?

Obviously the issue is in DX9 mode [that's what I am flying in].

Does this mean that we are finally both agreed? :)

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 10:37:20 am by virtuali »