Author Topic: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?  (Read 9079 times)


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Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:53:07 pm »

Anyone knows how this airport fits in with FSAddons Vancouver+ V3?


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 02:05:26 pm »
It works for me.


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 07:35:25 pm »
Me too. No problems.
Win7-64, Intel i7-980X-4.4Ghz, GeForce 660OC, 12GBRam, ASUS Rampage MB, SSD-180/480, WD1TB


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 10:40:49 pm »
Yup, big problems with me. No problems with any other addon since starting FSX 3 years ago. No OOM errors with any other airport including FSDT sceneries, but now... in the NGX and had 4 OOM crashes within the space of an hour, each time during static preflight scenarios. AI set at 25%, no cars, no boats, no ferries, cloud draw distance minimum, bloom off, ground shadows off, all the usual things and autogen set at normal. So CYVR + NGX + Orbx + Opus RW according to FSDT is apparently using too many addons. I really don't wish to sound confrontational, although I probably do, but I'm just upset having just parted with £30, which is a massive amount of money for an airport. Well that's not exactly true, I am currently flying after deleting the RW and starting afresh with fair weather, so no rain or 8/8 cloud cover. So I have a product that appears I can only use in fine weather! The demo was fine, and the frames were very good, but of course with only 5 minutes of demo time it's hardly enough to determine the OOM issue. FSDT make awesome airports, that we all know, but what is the point of designing sceneries which look absolutely superb but can't be run, even on some of the best rigs. I'm running at 4.6ghz, with a GT580 1.5Mb and 8Gb of RAM... oh, and Win 7 64bit... Can anyone suggest a way of improving things, are there any bgl files I can remove?  BTW, I am really duffed up now, I've just seen that existing customers receive a 20% discount with a coupon code.... is this on the website? Something else I've missed out on.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 10:57:22 pm by rockliffe »


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 11:01:08 pm »
So CYVR + NGX + Orbx + Opus RW according to FSDT is apparently using too many addons. It seems a rediculous thing to suggest.

Ok, assume the following. Remember, we start this reasoning, on the premise that, making a test, the thing that consumes most memory it's the PMDG NGX, as clearly demonstrated here:

So, let's make an example:

- Assume you don't possess any FSX addon. You buy CYVR first, and obviously enjoy it, because it runs without any issues.

- You THEN go to PMDG and buy the NGX. For the simplicity sake (in fact, I've proved that CYVR+NGX+UT2+PNW WORK together), let's assume you would start getting OOM as soon as you installed the PMDG.

- You make some tests like mine, that anyone could replicate, and find out the PMDG is your most memory consuming item.

What would you do in this case, blame PMDG because they made an 800MB monster, that broke your CYVR scenery that worked up to the day before ?

After the likely reply from PMDG about you should choose which add-ons to use in a certain area, what would you react ? That is ridiculous to suggest that the NGX can only be used in fair weather or with just a couple of add-ons JUST because you happened to purchase it AFTER CYVR ?

Because, under this absurd reasoning, it seems you are trying to say that, the add-on product that gets purchased lasts, is ALWAYS the one that has to take the blame for crossing the threshold of OOMs, on a system that was obviously already very close to the limit.

What exactly, should we do, stop doing detailed sceneries, just because there are so many add-ons out there, that the chance that someone would want to use them all together at the same time in the same place, will not be able to, because of the dreaded 4GB limit ?

I don't know where you are losing your memory, but I the results of my tests clearly demonstrate that is IS possible to run CYVR with MANY of the popular add-ons, INCLUDING the NGX, but not only. I had to go to the internet to search for the OOM message image, because I was never able to see it "live".

As I've said in the other thread, we asked a tester to ADD to my list of addons used (CYVR + NGX, UT2 at 100%, and Rain), Orbx PNW, Vancouver+, several Orbx minor sceneries for the areas, AND to fly into 3 overcast layers, all with every possible slider to the right. He was able to bring the fps down to unflyable levels, yes, but he never surpassed 3.2GB of VAS allocation, and never saw an OOM, regardless how hard he tried. And under DX9.

I can't see how you could reach 4GB with just your combination of addons and settings.

The issue is, if the OOM appears after a while, it's possible an add-on of yours is LEAKING memory, meaning losing memory slowly over time, and this is more likely happening inside an airplane gauge, since a scenery doesn't have many chances to leak memory.

And yes, we obviously tested this too, and you can test it too: by loading JUST CYVR, and keep an eye over the memory allocation graph in Process Explorer program, we found to be exactly flat, meaning memory used by the scenery it's always the same, it's not growing over time.

Maybe you should try to do the same, and monitor the usage graph, checking if it *grows*, that would give an indication of some product leaking memory. At that point, it might be fairly easy to find which one it is, by exclusion.


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 11:43:32 pm »
So CYVR + NGX + Orbx + Opus RW according to FSDT is apparently using too many addons. It seems a rediculous thing to suggest.

Ok, assume the following. Remember, we start this reasoning, on the premise that, making a test, the thing that consumes most memory it's the PMDG NGX, as clearly demonstrated here:

So, let's make an example:

- Assume you don't possess any FSX addon. You buy CYVR first, and obviously enjoy it, because it runs without any issues.

- You THEN go to PMDG and buy the NGX. For the simplicity sake (in fact, I've proved that CYVR+NGX+UT2+PNW WORK together), let's assume you would start getting OOM as soon as you installed the PMDG.

- You make some tests like mine, that anyone could replicate, and find out the PMDG is your most memory consuming item.

What would you do in this case, blame PMDG because they made an 800MB monster, that broke your CYVR scenery that worked up to the day before ?

After the likely reply from PMDG about you should choose which add-ons to use in a certain area, what would you react ? That is ridiculous to suggest that the NGX can only be used in fair weather or with just a couple of add-ons JUST because you happened to purchase it AFTER CYVR ?

Because, under this absurd reasoning, it seems you are trying to say that, the add-on product that gets purchased lasts, is ALWAYS the one that has to take the blame for crossing the threshold of OOMs, on a system that was obviously already very close to the limit.

What exactly, should we do, stop doing detailed sceneries, just because there are so many add-ons out there, that the chance that someone would want to use them all together at the same time in the same place, will not be able to, because of the dreaded 4GB limit ?

I don't know where you are losing your memory, but I the results of my tests clearly demonstrate that is IS possible to run CYVR with MANY of the popular add-ons, INCLUDING the NGX, but not only. I had to go to the internet to search for the OOM message image, because I was never able to see it "live".

As I've said in the other thread, we asked a tester to ADD to my list of addons used (CYVR + NGX, UT2 at 100%, and Rain), Orbx PNW, Vancouver+, several Orbx minor sceneries for the areas, AND to fly into 3 overcast layers, all with every possible slider to the right. He was able to bring the fps down to unflyable levels, yes, but he never surpassed 3.2GB of VAS allocation, and never saw an OOM, regardless how hard he tried. And under DX9.

I can't see how you could reach 4GB with just your combination of addons and settings.

The issue is, if the OOM appears after a while, it's possible an add-on of yours is LEAKING memory, meaning losing memory slowly over time, and this is more likely happening inside an airplane gauge, since a scenery doesn't have many chances to leak memory.

And yes, we obviously tested this too, and you can test it too: by loading JUST CYVR, and keep an eye over the memory allocation graph in Process Explorer program, we found to be exactly flat, meaning memory used by the scenery it's always the same, it's not growing over time.

Maybe you should try to do the same, and monitor the usage graph, checking if it *grows*, that would give an indication of some product leaking memory. At that point, it might be fairly easy to find which one it is, by exclusion.

Thanks for your speedy reply Umberto, appreciated. And yes, I take your point. The strange thing is I am now sat at a gate at CYVR, with all the previous addons and settings, and have been here for fifteen minutes with no problem... so, maybe you are right. As you say, I will have to do some testing. I hope I can get it sorted, 'cos as I said, the cost of such an aiprort is not insignificant and I really want to make this scenery work... thanks again. 


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Re: Compatibility with Vancouver+ V3?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 12:18:42 pm »
I don't know where you are losing your memory,

I wish I knew, but they say it's because I'm getting old. ;D