I've problem with my XPOI. I bought it several months ago and it was working very good. Several days ago, I bought a new laptop, I transferred, as described in this forum, the file: FSDreamTeam_XPOI to my new laptop. After installation the software, I double clicked the file then opened the simulator and entered my serial number. XPOI was working fine for two days, but suddenly it stopped working.
I can describe the details of the problem in the following points:
- I cannot see any geonames or facilities.
- Sometimes, I see only one or two icons with the green leg or sometimes without it. The icons are seen only around the airplane.
- Wikipedia names are working fine, I mean I can select or search from the menu and see the arrow to the POI, I also can open wiki pages. However after few seconds it gives me the following error: an error has occurred in the script on this page – line: 35, char: 802, error: member not found, code: 0, URL :http:/…. And then do you want to continue running scripts on this page? Yes, no. what ever I choose the game get minimized and I go to the desktop
- I can search for POI and wrap to it but I can not see the names!!
- All the setting on XPOI are set to maximum
- I tried to re-install the program, even removed and re-installed FSX with no resolution of the problem
- I use avast antivirus. The problem exist even after removal of the antivirus
- I’m using windows 8. I allowed XPOI files through its firewalls
- The problem happened after installing REX plus overdrive. However, I removed everything and reinstalled fsx and the problem still exists!!
I'm really very frustrated

. I enjoyed a lot XPOi. Please tell me how can I let it work
Ayman Bakr