I know this isnt a general forum for FS9 but I am now at a complete loss, My fs9 crashed the other night and now when I try to run it, after clicking on the start up icon on my desk top..it starts to load and then a meccage in the task bar appears named start message and FS9 stops loading. When i clear the message in the task bar the FS9 splash screen goes and i get an erroe message that says fs9.exe hung or sonething like that, I have been serching for a forum or a site that can offer help or guidence but have found nothing. I have loaded some time ago the start up that does away with the need for the 4th disk and I made all the nessasery alterations, now im affraid that if i try and delete the program it will not load a new disk version so I might not be able to start from scratch...please can anyone help me or give me a link to a site where I might get the help I need
Thanks geoff