Hi Guys,
I am a first time buyer from FSDT, on recommendation from one of my friends and that what I have seen on his PC. Now, with alot of enjoyment in my heart, I head over to your site, where I start doing my transaction for the amazing GSX. Now.... I am not use to having problems with online stores, so I presume that this one should go smoothly as well? Which, to get straight to the point - wasn't. My card was constantly declined, the paypal interface not working as well. So, now, I tried various options. Contacted my bank, no problem on their side, not even a hint of a transaction going their way.
I contacted your Gateway that is used for your store, with no success from them aswell at this stage. Not even a 24/7 call center is available.
Can you please advise me when I can do, and where I can purchase GSX without being declinded by your gateway supplier before the transaction was even hinted over to my bank...
Looking forward to your positive reply.
Best Regards,
Reinhardt Masyn