Author Topic: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings  (Read 8197 times)


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Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« on: December 05, 2012, 09:50:34 pm »
Hello, I am new to this forum, but have been using GSX for nearly a year. I love the product, but have a few issues I would like to resolve. In case it helps, the only FSDT product I own is GSX. Actually, I'm not sure though, I do use FSINN/FSCopilot if those are also your products.

Anyways, reading through the GSX manual, I saw something near the beginning which mentions the tweak settings in the Add-on Manager, but states that these settings will be explained later in the manual. However, the manual never does explain them. I have been all over this forum looking for simple answers, and all I seem to find is posts telling me to search this forum for the answers or that these are "well-known" tweaks that are global FSX tweaks.

What I would really like, is exactly what you would usually see in a product manual, a full description of each setting. I've found a few random answers about some of them, but I'd really rather not spend all day looking for answers about each tweak individually. Is there somewhere in this forum that I am missing where these settings are all explained in detail together, or do I have to look for information on each setting individually?

Right now, my main concerns are about the tweaks which have been applied to my fsx.cfg file. For the record, I have never clicked on the apply these settings to FSX button. I know that Virtuali swears that nothing is applied to your fsx.cfg file unless you click on this, but I haven't ever clicked on it (was waiting until I knew what they all were), but I have the following entry in my fsx.cfg file:

I did find a lot of information about the AntiPopUp setting, but everything I see is in relation to your sceneries, none of which I own. Does this have any effect on GSX or anything else I should know about, and if not, is it safe to delete that entry? As for the AltitudeCull, I see several posts mentioning it, and one or two that sort of dessribe what it does, but no particular information on settings. Same questions apply, does this even apply to me, and if not, can I just delete it?

Just FYI, there is a post where Virtuali (Humberto, I believe?) says that AltitudeCull is explained, but the link gives me an error:
"The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."
The link provided is:

Again, I understand that all these answers are out there somewhere, but I already have over two hours into searching for just these two, and I don't think it's too much to ask for one simple link or .pdf or something where they are all explained in detail.

I'm a little frustrated and annoyed by this right now, but I absolutely love your product, so please do not take any of this the wrong way, or think I'm trying to be an over-demanding jerk who's too lazy to perform a simple little forum search. But, again, my search for "AltitudeCull" only provided 7 links, none of which answered my questions or let me know what I should set this to, or if I even need it, and if I don't need it, whether I can just delete the entry.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 10:04:05 pm »
For the record, the settings I quoted in the above post, for the AntiPopup and AltitudeCull may/may not be the actual setting that GSX applied. I don't think I ever did anything with the AltitudeCull, but I did play around with the AntiPopup setting due to a little issue I'm having (which is what sparked me looking into these settings closer). Here's the issue I'm experiencing, which never used to be a problem:

I recently upgraded from REX 2.0+OD to REX Essential Plus OD, and in the process I experienced several complications, most of which I have solved. Somehow in the process of working out all these bugs and installing/reinstalling different programs (not GSX), something has gone wrong with AddOn Manager or GSX or both.

If I use the Cmd F12 functions of GSX, everything is fine. However, if I go to the edit aircraft positions menu or any of the Add On Manager windows, the window opens fine as it always did, appears on top of the FSX window as usual for about 1-2 seconds, then suddenly becomes minimized to my task bar (possibly not minimized, but just lost focus, I'm not sure). In other words, I have to then click on the box in the taskbar to pull it back up and make my changes. It's not that big of a problem, but is becoming annoying. So, I had noticed those entries in my fsx.cfg file and prior to looking here, I thought maybe the Anti Pop-up setting might be the problem. I believe it was on "1" originally, so I thought maybe that meant "on", and so I changed it to "0" in an attempt to shut it "off". Now I know that this is wrong, and I believe it should be set to "1" by default, but I have tried both settings and still experience this window issue.

I do not believe this is an FSDT issue, and I'm not claiming you are to blame, but I am hoping you can assist me with a solution. I did install an update to AddOn Manager during this whole process, but don't recall when this problem started, so I guess the Add On Manager update may be the cause, but I haven't seen anybody else complaining about it, so I doubt it is to blame.

I'm not sure if it would matter, but I am running FSX in windowed mode, and again, other than this issue, GSX seems to still be working just fine.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 12:07:25 am »
all I seem to find is posts telling me to search this forum for the answers or that these are "well-known" tweaks that are global FSX tweaks.

Yes, they are NOT "GSX Settings" or "Addon Manager settings", they are well known FSX tweaks, which are discussed in great detail on many forums, we don't have any special suggestions about them. You don't have to use them in order to use GSX, the Addon Manager or any of our products. Our products will run regardless of how these settings are set.

What you have there, is just a free FSX tweaker included with the Addon Manager, nothing more. There are payware products that do *just* that: offering you a more convenient interface to edit your FSX.CFG tweaks, we are giving it away for free in the Addon Manager but again, they are not *needed* to use our products and you are not supposed to known about them to USE our products so, you are just looking at a part of our software that is basically a bonus free tool, that's it.

The issue is, the manual says there would have been a detailed explanation of these settings (note that part of the manual is not really something specific to GSX, it's the same for all our products that come with the Addon Manager, and it was written roughly in 2007), but along the way we found that knowledge way more complete has been developed in the FSX community so, we preferred to provide JUST the tool to move the slider, and let users learn about the tweaks themselves.

I'll repeat it again: you are NOT "required" to change anything or tweak anything just to use our products. That page is there not because you need it for our products, but just as a bonus tweaking tool.

You could just install the Addon Manager without buying anything, and use that interface just to tweak FSX, it you want...

What I would really like, is exactly what you would usually see in a product manual, a full description of each setting.

You mean the FSX manual ? Because, since these are FSX settings that existed well before GSX and Addon Manager, the FSX manual should have explained, but it didn't. Some of them were introduced with the FSX SP2, too.

You will find some discussions here:

Right now, my main concerns are about the tweaks which have been applied to my fsx.cfg file

No FSX tweak are applied to your FSX.CFG, that's the more common misconception about that page. What you see there, are the tweaks AS THEY WERE in your FSX.CFG.

It's YOU that will "apply a tweak", by CHANGING a value AND pressing the "Save to FSX" button. OR, if you press the "Defaults" button AND press the "Save to FSX", they will be reset to default values. If you don't do that, nothing will be applied to your FSX.CFG.

I know that Virtuali swears that nothing is applied to your fsx.cfg file unless you click on this, but I haven't ever clicked on it (was waiting until I knew what they all were), but I have the following entry in my fsx.cfg file:

And I repeat and confirm that nothing is changed you your FSX Tweaks. Of course, if you decided not to believe what I've already said (several times) "swearing" again wouldn't probably make any difference...


This is NOT an FSX Tweak!!

The FSX.CFG it's an .INI file. Fact that is named .CFG doesn't change the fact IT IS an .INI file. An .INI file is composed of named sections (those names within square brackets) and keys. A program that reads an .INI file will IGNORE anything that is under a section name it doesn't know anything about it. Since FSX doesn't obviously know anything about a section named [FSDREAMTEAM], it will of happily IGNORE IT. Meaning, we can write hundreds of lines down there, it won't make ANY difference to FSX, because only a product designed to read *THAT* section, will make any use of what is inside there.

So, what you have here, is the Addon Manager, instead of creating another file, is using the FSX.CFG JUST as a storage area for its private settings.

This make it simpler and more reliable to code. Since the Addon Manager *already* reads the FSX.CFG and (only if the user WANTS) can write to it, it was convenient keep reading and writing on the same file, without having to manage a separate one JUST to put 3 lines on it, or cluttering the registry with new keys. Again, FSX will IGNORE entirely the whole section so, any possible discussion about potential FSX issues, is entirely moot.

I did find a lot of information about the AntiPopUp setting, but everything I see is in relation to your sceneries, none of which I own.

That these settings apply only to FSDT sceneries, is very obvious in the Addon Manager tweaks window, which is divided in two clearly labeled sections, one with all settings applied globally to all sceneries, and another one with the settings that applies only to FSDT sceneries.

Does this have any effect on GSX or anything else I should know about, and if not

They only affect FSDT sceneries so, they don't affect GSX or anything else in FSX.

is it safe to delete that entry?

It will not make any difference whatsoever if you do.

As for the AltitudeCull, I see several posts mentioning it, and one or two that sort of dessribe what it does, but no particular information on settings. Same questions apply, does this even apply to me, and if not, can I just delete it?

Yes, you can delete it. Of course, it won't change anything to FSX, because FSX doesn't use it and it won't change anything to you, because you don't have any FSDT sceneries. If you use the Addon Manager tweak to do something, they will of course reappear again. But, as I've said, they will not make any difference if you don't have any FSDT scenery installed.

Again, I understand that all these answers are out there somewhere, but I already have over two hours into searching for just these two, and I don't think it's too much to ask for one simple link or .pdf or something where they are all explained in detail.

The Anti-popup was explained here:

I don't know why the AltitudeCull post disappeared in any case, it's very simple: it's an on/off switch that enables a further optimization for objects coming from FSDT sceneries, to be automatically removed after a pre-set height. It only affects smaller objects, not main buildings. Again, doesn't affect in any way anything else in FSX, and it's really relevant for earlier FSDT sceneries, the more recent ones (after 2010) are not much affected by it, since they use different optimization methods, and it was useful mostly in the early days of FSX, were PCs struggled a bit with larger sceneries like JFK or KORD.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 12:12:49 am »
However, if I go to the edit aircraft positions menu or any of the Add On Manager windows, the window opens fine as it always did, appears on top of the FSX window as usual for about 1-2 seconds, then suddenly becomes minimized to my task bar (possibly not minimized, but just lost focus, I'm not sure).

This is likely caused by another FSX add-on that "stole" the FSX window focus and it's forcing itself on the foreground, so the GSX interface window is forced to go in the background. I believe that some online flying clients do that, in order to have their chat (or similar) window always on top.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 02:09:36 am »
Thank you for your thorough explanation. I believe I discovered the issue with the add-on manager being minimized/losing focus. The new REX WaSys interface has an option to keep it always on top, which I had enabled, but I just flew a flight without REX (to see how things were with REX textures and FSX weather engine), and low and behold...add-on manager/aircraft editor, etc. were able to keep their focus. Those results combined with your comments lead me to believe this is likely the cause.

Now, my next question. I have what I guess would be considered a mid-range system...i5 dual core 3.2, 7200 rpm 1 terabyte hard drive, and a nvidia GeForce GT230 video card w/1.5 Gb of ram. I've got things running pretty smooth now with very few stutters, blurries, glitches, etc. The only payware programs I have are FS Passengers, GSX and REX Esentials Plus. How much of a load do high-quality scenery's like yours place on the system? Is there a big fps hit, and in your opinion, do you think my system could handle such a load without having any major stuttering or low fps issues? I've seen vids/pics of your sceneries, and having experienced the quality of your products w/GSX, I'm highly interested in purchasing some, but I'm afraid to spend the money and have it be ultimately wasted because my system can't handle it.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 06:20:09 am »
having experienced the quality of your products w/GSX, I'm highly interested in purchasing some, but I'm afraid to spend the money and have it be ultimately wasted because my system can't handle it.

Why don't you simply try for yourself ? All our sceneries can be downloaded and tested freely.


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Re: Add-On Manager Tweaks Settings
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2012, 02:22:51 pm »
Roger that! We'll give one a try later today.