Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'm sorry I didn't quite make myself clear. As I said, I understand about that you had to skip some gates in order to for things to work properly.
A better question would've been, why don't the gates that you included in your scenery match their real-life counterpart's gate assignments
positionally? For example, gate C32 in your scenery should be C39 positionally. And continuing around counter-clockwise, C31 should've been C37, C30 s/b C36, C29 s/b C35, C28 s/b C33...and so on. Somewhere in between C2 and C39, you would skip two real-world gates as they get too cramped for AI, but the rest of the numbering should've matched up by physical position in my opinion.
In short, I think you answered my question to say that's just the way you decided to do it. I can appreciate that.

Chris Lundberg