the approaches are not centerlined, i did several full auto-land approaches, each with a diffrent plane, and each touchdown was on the right side of the runway, just by the line. wind was at 0/000.
This is strange, because it's exactly the opposite of what should happen.
The *previous* version had a bug in all approaches, because they were off by 3 degrees (the amount of magnetic variation between the FS default database date and today). For example, runway 28 magnetic heading approach was listed 270 degrees in the old one (when the runway was still named 27R), but should be 273 in real world. We fixed this now, so it should work better now, and you should have noticed a problem in heading with the previous version.
OR, there's a bug in either MS BGLCOMP compiler or in the SDK docs, and the parameter MagneticHeading in the approach leg command takes true heading instead, regardless of how it's named...
However, still looks strange because, the FS autopilot only cares about the ILS Transmitter, it doesn't lock to the ILS instrumental procedure Leg heading (that is the only thing changed) so, I find strange that you have problems with the auto-land, considering that the ILS *transmitter*, that resides in the main AFCAD (AP_KORD.BGL) together with the runway, hasn't been touched from the previous 1.1 release.
I'll check it better, anyway.
i'll try to fix this later, but im afriad that once i save the new AFCAD that ill get rid of the 28 ILS.
That's exactly the point of having two files. You CAN edit the normal AFCAD, because Approaches and Waypoints are in the other.