Author Topic: A few suggestions for GSX future updates  (Read 5965 times)


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A few suggestions for GSX future updates
« on: November 25, 2012, 08:43:05 am »
Ive got a few suggestions for the team..

1) In Israel, add other ground handling operators. Their names are: Laufer Aviation GHI, QAS and Aero Handling.
2) In pushback, add an option to pushback according fo the taxi plan, so that the pilot just need to start rolling in the taxi direction.
3) Add cleaning crews.
4) A nice addition could be to see people actually go in and out of the plane.

Thank you


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Re: A few suggestions for GSX future updates
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2012, 01:39:25 pm »
1) In Israel, add other ground handling operators. Their names are: Laufer Aviation GHI, QAS and Aero Handling.

Do you know which airports they are assigned to ?

2) In pushback, add an option to pushback according fo the taxi plan, so that the pilot just need to start rolling in the taxi direction.

Clarify this, what is a "taxi plan", the taxi instructions as given by the default ATC ? GSX doesn't reads the default ATC, and it would't be a good idea if it did, because that would force you using the default ATC, while GSX allows you to select any parking or any taxi route (as for Follow Me), not necessarily the same the default ATC wanted to use, and this is very useful especially for those flying online.

3) Add cleaning crews.

Already discussed many times, and already confirmed they will be added in a future upgrade.

4) A nice addition could be to see people actually go in and out of the plane.

This is the greatest of the FAQ, it's a so common question, and we knew if was going to be common, that we even put a reply to it in the GSX Manual...big, bold and bordered in blue, impossible to miss...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 09:51:47 pm by virtuali »


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Re: A few suggestions for GSX future updates
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 09:45:29 pm »
Regarding which airports, well.. All companies except EL AL and Laufer Aviation operate only in Ben Gurion Int'l Airport (LLBG), EL AL and Laufer Aviation operate in LLBG and in Eilat Airport (LLET). The catch here is that each company operate different airlines.. For example, Laufer Aviation GHI operates Lufthansa, while QAS operates United, and EL AL obviously operates only EL AL planes.

I can send you, if you will, a list of every company and the airlines it operates.

Regarding the taxi plan, what I mean, is like the pushback AES does, according to the taxi lines.

Regarding the FAQ, you're right, my mistake.

Thank you,


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Re: A few suggestions for GSX future updates
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 10:03:13 pm »
I can send you, if you will, a list of every company and the airlines it operates.

Ok, that will be interesting but, there's a catch: in order for GSX to know your own airline code, you have to insert it into the atc_airline_code of the aircraft.cfg and, from what we gather, very few developers put the code.

GSX already use it, in one place: the selection of ULD pallets depends on that code because, of course, while it make sense the operator is chosen depending on the airport, the pallet you are carrying should be based on your own airline, also to not end up in funny situations, were you loaded pallets of one kind, and unload different pallet when you land...GSX already supports this, but it's not very noticeable, because not many 3rd party airplane have the atc_airline_code set in their aircraft.cfg so, there's the risk that even if we added that feature, not many will see it, just like the airline-linked ULDs.

Regarding the taxi plan, what I mean, is like the pushback AES does, according to the taxi lines.

From what I gather, AES doesn't follow taxi lines while pushing back, it's just programmed airport by airport to follow a specific route, which happens to be made to follow taxi lines when that airport is programmed, but I might be wrong on this.

GSX does follow taxi lines automatically while pushing back, and it can't work in any other way, because it has to work on any arbitrary AFCAD out there. Of course, assuming the taxilines in the AFCAD matches the visible ground lines in the scenery, which is not always the case: if the scenery has custom ground lines and the AFCAD is not made entirely correctly to match it, there might be some small deviations from the visible lines.

But, in any case, I don't see what changes should be made to GSX in the Pushback: apart for the small above issue of a scenery with custom taxilines and an non-entirely-matching AFCAD, GSX already follows the taxilines for Pushback. In fact, one of the most appreciated features in GSX is how WELL is able to follow them, without visible "sliding" on ground, and with airplane wheels turning too.