Author Topic: Out of Memory at LAS  (Read 6358 times)


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Out of Memory at LAS
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:15:23 pm »
Now I'm getting out of memory just like I do in LAX, I'm getting it at KLAS.. What is it again I have to take off in order not to get these out of memory messages ??

« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 11:43:16 pm by cowings1588 »


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Re: Out of Memory at LAS
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 12:02:37 am »
hard to answer with that lot of info  ???

-what plane are you using?
-what's your gear (ram, OS)?
-what are your settings (AI traffic, other sceneries, ....)

Happy Landings



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Re: Out of Memory at LAS
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 06:18:11 am »
1) Ifly 737-800 United post merger

2) Win 7 64 bit, 1TB HDD, 8 GB RAM, 1GB Graphics card, GEFORCE 550 TI

3) UT2, Traffic set at 90% Airline , 55 % general, Rex,Active Sky 2012,

Started a night flight before I had trouble with stress & over speed of my 757 which by the way the 757 is really bad with overspeed & if you don't get it solved right away it stresses out really quick..  

Anyway, before that happen did manage to leave LAS with no out of memory issues tonight..   :)  So must have been something with possible to much traffic at one time..

« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 10:32:28 am by cowings1588 »


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Re: Out of Memory at LAS
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 07:04:25 pm »
Try turning off your GA traffic in UT2.  I found that it generates way too much, and it overloads certain sceneries.   I have airline traffic set to 100%, and no problems.

- John

1) Ifly 737-800 United post merger

2) Win 7 64 bit, 1TB HDD, 8 GB RAM, 1GB Graphics card, GEFORCE 550 TI

3) UT2, Traffic set at 90% Airline , 55 % general, Rex,Active Sky 2012,

Started a night flight before I had trouble with stress & over speed of my 757 which by the way the 757 is really bad with overspeed & if you don't get it solved right away it stresses out really quick..  

Anyway, before that happen did manage to leave LAS with no out of memory issues tonight..   :)  So must have been something with possible to much traffic at one time..


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Re: Out of Memory at LAS
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2013, 10:00:13 am »
I did that very thing after you said it.. I went into my UT2 & took off General Aviation & have Airline about 95%

then in FSX I have general about 50 % & airline 95%

So far have not received that out of error message again...

So thanks, I think it might of help the cause. Lets hope atleast this continues & doesn't come back..  :) 


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Re: Out of Memory at LAS
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2013, 05:40:11 pm »
I did that very thing after you said it.. I went into my UT2 & took off General Aviation & have Airline about 95%

then in FSX I have general about 50 % & airline 95%

So far have not received that out of error message again...

So thanks, I think it might of help the cause. Lets hope atleast this continues & doesn't come back..  :) 

Good to hear. When you have ut2, I don't think FSX controls AI density anymore, so not sure if the FSX settings matter.  I think it's one or the other.

One other setting that made a big difference was to turn off "moving jetways" in ut2.  Having ut2 try to connect all the jetways to the AI aircraft is overload.  The reason is that they try to connect all of them at the same time, and it overloads the animations.
