Hi Umberto
Sorry to bring up an old topic again. I have a question: Is there a way to send commands to GSX Level 2 from the airplane, besides of the number of Passengers? The Idea is for example, if the airplane has the state "Engines off, beacon off, brakes set" that it would then send the command to automatically dock the jetway. So you don't have to open the commands (because P3D is only used for the graphics, not for simulation). The programm would send the commands to GSX while reading the state of the simulator. And for example, after closing the doors, the tool would give GSX the command to retract the Jetway and call the pushback truck.
It would be amazing, to send those commands directly to GSX because you could then really create remote controls for all GSX related steps.
I know it's not urgent thing, but it would be amazing if that could be made possible.
Kind Regards
UPDATE: NEVER MIND UMBERTO: found the answer in another topic: no way at the moment, but i could use macro programming on a joystick to achieve the same...