Sorry to jump in, but I'm having the excat same problem. You say to install the 3 files, but you have 4 links. I uninstall any vs++2004 and I installed the 4 files from the 4 links provided and still nothing. I also tried both dll files and that also didn't work. I'm not a computer expert, but I did check the dll.xml and the file looked good. I also checked the trusted section of the FSX.cfg file and everything looked good. Just so you know after installing GSX for a trial look, I had no problems with the popup about these files. I just clicked ok and FSX loaded. After loading FSX no addonmanager or GSX show in the menu. I also did the simconnect.ini and I did get the message indicating what you say about c++ being corupt or missinf files. I wnated to see what would happen when I clicked on the COUAT1.exe file and I got a message that said:
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem.I've tried everything you suggested from different posts that I've read and nothing works. I'm just reading this post this morning so I won't be able to try the FSX fix until I get home from work. Also so you know, I had FSX installed from a couple of years ago with Cloud9 and QW757 installed and addonon manager installed with no problems. When I installed GSX to try before I buy, that worked fine also. (At least for a while) I did start getting fatal errors when starting FSX so I uninstalled everyhing and reinstalled FSX and now I can no longer install my products that require the addonmanager. What happen to good ol days when you can install aircrafts, scenery, ect without having this addonmanager and products would work without problems. I was able to install QW757, but FSX would crash to desktop when tring to load aircraft from menu. The first message for trusting the qw757.gau file went ok, it was the second .gau that would send my FSX to desktop. I know this isn't the cause of addmanager or GSX to installing because It was not installing before I tried to reinstall the QW757. I also installed Cloud9 without no problems, I'm just not sure if it's working. I woild relly like to get the addonmanager installed and working so I can enjoy my products that require them. Right now I feel like I wasted money on these products because of they require the addonmanager to work. VS++2005 may or may not be the problem, but everything else on my computer works fine. I also had a problem installing my EJETS 175, 195, but I don't know if they require addonmanager.
One more thing. I do have different VS++ installed. VS++2008, VS++2010. After reinstalling the VS++2005 I updated windows as you suggested and it install a VS++2010 SP1 update.
I hope we get this issue resolved.
I'm running windows xp 32bit, so as far as I know I don't need to run as admin