Hello and Please Help:
I am getting an Error Message when trying to use GSX at ORBX KJAC. The error message reads as this; "The addon <unkown> is causing a Couatl Scripting Engine to restart. Detailes can be found at C:/Users/Matthew/AppData etc.....etc. Please download and install the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager from FSDT etc.. etc.. ." OK, I did download the add-on manager and the error message still comes on. I recently added parked aircraft from "instant scenery" at this particular airport (KJAC) and since than I am getting this message. Does Instant Scenery cause this message and does GSX have any known compatibility issues with Instant Scenery? OR, is it something else?
Also, I just tried the same sequence at FlightBeam KSFO and it worked just fine. This is happening only at ORBX's KJAC. When I call for the fuel truck at ORBX KJAC i get an immediate error (see above). When I call for a push back I dont get the error and it seems to work OK. I also have noticed that GSX vehicles are driving through my plane and as they do, I get that error. Its almost as if they dont know my plane is there. This does NOT happen at other airports. Not sure whats going on here. I havechecked my AFCAD several times for KJAC and everything seems ok. Please help!