Please, try to follow my advice more carefully, you looked for files/folders missing, as if the installer "forgot" to install them, or check the registry, when I haven't said to do anything with it.
But you haven't answered my question, so I'll repeat it again:
Do you have BOTH the "Addon Manager" and the "Couatl powered products" menus visible under the FSX "Addons" menu ? If you don't have both, the scenery will not show. I haven't asked if you found the bglmanx.dll in the fsx root or the couatl.exe in the fsdreamteam folder. I've asked if you see their MENUS under the FSX "Addons" menu, when FSX is running.
And, I haven't said to simply switch off the antivirus. Some antivirus continue to block files even when turned off. I explicitly said to, ON TOP of turning it off when DOWNLOADING and INSTALLING, to configure it to exclude the two modules from scanning, BEFORE launching FSX for the first time after the installation.
Please, follow my above procedure TO THE LETTER. Don't skip ANY step.
You should being asked permission to run BOTH modules, the first time you launch FSX after installing the scenery. You must reply YES to BOTH questions of BOTH modules. If you don't see the question, then the antivirus is still blocking OR, you haven't followed the previous procedure to the letter, especially this step:
- Uninstall the scenery. Reply YES when asked if you want to remove the Addon Manager and the Couatl Engine. Reply YES to both questions.
Because this will reset the Trust question made by FSX, allowing you Re-Trust the modules again, even if you made the mistake of not trusting the first time.