We'll talk about this after October 28th, when Windows 8 will be released. However, since you said:
They seem to work fine on windows 8 as long as I don't run fsx as admin
Since our products all 100% Win7 compliant, they do not require running FSX as admin.
i need to run fsx as admin since i also have PMDG planes that need fsx to tun as admin, as well as SB4 will not crash when fsx is run as admin?
Ok, so your real issue doesn't have anything to do with any of our products. Your issue is that you have non-entirely Vista/Win7 compliant products, that don't support UAC properly, so you are forced to run FSX in admin mode.
Running in admin mode is not the only way to fix these non-compliant products. Usually, these products fails, because they try to access to file/folders that shouldn't be used in Vista/Win7 (and I guess Win8), like the C:\Program Files folder or the C:\Windows folder. A 100% compliant app should only use the %APPDATA% or the C:\ProgramData folders to write their own settings. But of course, running as admin will bypass this.
You can fix it in a better way, instead of running FSX as admin (which might be potentially dangerous), do the following:
- Reinstall FSX in a folder *you* created, for example C:\FSX. This is STRONGLY suggested, you'll never have any issues with non-Vista/Win7 aware products ever, if you follow this rule.
- If you don't want to reinstall FSX, you can add your user name to the permission list on the FSX folder:
Go to the FSX root folder, which should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Microsoft Games, right click on the "Flight Simulator X" folder, select "Properties" -> "Security" tab -> Edit -> Add... -> type your Windows username -> OK -> select Allow checkbox for Full control -> OK or Apply.