thanks for the great package!.. even though I purchased and loved the support vehicles and the animations, I am not using the software at the moment ..
I am not using it because I have a 737 simpit and the menus that come up on the screen (3xprojector) are huge and not very realistic to call the followme vechicle after landing etc !
I noticed in another thread about an API that was looking to be developed, this really is an important add-on.. then we can develop a remote interface (s/ware or web)
that we can use at an instructor station where the calls to GSX could be made.
In saying that the API needs to have some added functionality to it as well such as a call for acknowledging open/close of individual doors.
I use PROSIM and the crew open/close doors automatically at the gate, and based on if the engines are running, the collision light and pressing the ground call button, and the indicators light on the overhead, so there is no switch or keyboard combination, in fact you dont see the doors open at all on the external model (not important in the sim)
The flight model used is the Jetstream737 (written specifically for Prosim & FSX) and uses the Default737 external model as external is not that important for most PROSIM or Project Magenta users.
But as the indicators come on in the pit, in our case, the instructor would acknowledge the individual doors are open in the GSX software and the animations would perform as intended.
as with the closing of the doors as well.
Now my request to investigate the API may seem a little selfish, but as more and more people are building simpits (due mainly to the reduction in costs of the components and the simplicity of connection) I am sure that not only would you sell more software, but many others that use even 2 screens let alone multiple PCs, would soon reap the benefits.
Please reconsider this option as a sooner rather than later addon...