Author Topic: Out of Memory error JFK  (Read 4329 times)


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Out of Memory error JFK
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:39:29 pm »
Hi, I am having a problem with getting an error, "out of memory" and fsx crashes. I will Need to go back  into the scenery to find out where I am exactly at the airport but it seems to happen at the same location every time.  I do believe that everytime I  get this error I am just leaving the gate at what I believe to be terminal G (UNITED GATES) making a right hand turn onto the taxiway and it freezes and gives me the error out of memory and fsx crashes.  At first I thought it might have been the plane I was using, but then I tried another and still get the error.  I do have aerosofts manhatten X, Imaginesim KLGA and MytrafficX installed, and yes I went and deleted the kjfk.bgl from mytraffic as to not have conflicts. I have searched this forum and have not seen a mention of this problem.

Computer specs

core I7 sandy bridge
GTX 560 2GB
user experience now 7.8 almost maxed out.

Normaly with this setup, I allways get at least 20 fps at any airport, with any plane with my settings allmost maxed without any shadows activated.  Please note, Before the I7 upprgrade I was running at lower specs somewhat strugling with FPS and was having issues with this problem as well.  I have a large amount of payware airports at least the most popular in the us and some in asia, this is the only one I am having an isue with.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give.  It is somewhat dissapointing to want to stay away from it as beng a destination that I would rather fly to being based out of KROC, Greater Rocchester International, and yest it is pretty basic but thanks to those that have the skills to create afkads and such I now have jetways there since microsoft messed this airport up.


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Re: Out of Memory error JFK
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 10:17:35 pm »
This has been discussed many times already and, of course, it's not a scenery problem, it's just a problem you are using TOO MUCH STUFF in that area. There isn't a single cause for OOM, it's always a combination of factors, and the New York area is already very demanding, even without *any* addon, let alone with so many.

And no, it's not that you are having this problem "with this airport only", because not every airport is in the same area, unless you have multiple JFK version to compare, which you obviously haven't.

Of all addons you listed, JFK is the LESS demanding, so it's not surely the cause of the OOM.

Your 16GB of RAM are not really helpful, since FSX, being a 32 bit app, will never use more than 4GB anyway so, chances for an OOM are exactly the same as with a system with, let's say, half of that RAM amount. The VRAM doens't count, because that OOM message refers to standard RAM only.

I'm fairly sure that you will probably fix your OOM by removing any of the addons you have, because as I've said, none is the culprit, it's the combination of them which is just too much, and doesn't fit into the 4GB that FSX can allocate at maximum.