There has been much progress on the jet. Below is the most recent version is 16.1 and is considered the latest Beta version.
FSXBA F/A-18C 16.1 notable changes include:-FCS logic changes: Huge thanks to ORION for all of the work (and miracles) that he's done with coding this Flight Control System!>Got rid of the complete cross-over from G Command to Pitch Rate Command and vice versa. New FCS now incorporates a Primary G Command system with Pitch Rate feedback below cornering speed (310 knots). This has shown to provide a smoother transition between zones and seems to keep more in line with the description of the system. Also adjusted the error zeroing coding to fix "pitch notching" issue that was experienced while trying to reset pitch input error.
>Re-adjusted all PIDs to minimize error. Still working on roll and yaw axis PIDs as they still remain a challenge.
>AOA during transition from UA mode to PA mode is captured and set as initial AOA up entering PA mode. With Weight ON Wheels, Trimmed AOA is maintained until changed manually by pilot input. Per input from SLUDGE, stabs are automatically deflected upward to a set position until input is sensed from the pilot upon landing.
>AOA command authority able 22 degrees AOA has been adjusted for better control.
>Rolling Surface to Rudder Interconnect (RSRI) has been re-introduced into the system by use of Rudder Trim. System uses lateral stick position and speed to feed in rudder while rolling the aircraft.
>Takeoff Trim has been reprogrammed as dynamic system using an initial set position for the stabs and then gradually increasing stab position to rotate the aircraft at roughly the same speed. New system takes airspeed and aircraft weight into account.
>Trim re-centering function has been updated to re-center elevator and aileron trim once activated. Re-centering function can be activated by pressing the TO Trim button with Weight OFF Wheels.
>Updated the Automatic Throttle Control (ATC) to more accurately maintain speed based on UA or PA modes. ATC deactivate mechanisms have also been updated to deactivate ATC based on NATOPS.
Aircraft Config & .Air File Changes:>Big thanks to PETER and PAT for the new Moments of Inertia (MOIs). All variants have been updated.
>Per recommendation of SLUDGE, increased max stab deflection. PIDs re-adjusted to reflect.
>Retested aircraft performance in PA mode and adjusted flap lift and drag in order to match calculated approach speeds at given AOA and throttle setting.
>Resolved "ghost flap" issue by removing extra flap entries (Rudder Toe-In & Aileron Droop) from CFG and included them into Trailing edge flaps. Adjusted .air file and PIDs to compensate.
TacPack Integration:>With big help from Ed Akridge ED AKRIDGE and DINO CATTANEO, we were able to better integrate TacPack into the jet with working Gun, Sidewinders, Mk-82s, Mk-84s, Zuni Rockets. Maverick Missiles fire, but do not track (still working this issue). Chaff and Flares work as well as the audible warning tones for the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR).
I simplified the steps needed to set up the jet to deploy certain ordnance by creating macros. See the button combination below for each weapons mode:
Ctrl + Shift + 1 = No Mode (Navigation Mode)
Ctrl + Shift + 2 = Air to Air Gun Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 3 = Air to Air Sidewinder Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 4 = Air to Air AMRAAM Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 5 = Air to Ground Gun Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 6 = Air to Ground MK-82 Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 7 = Air to Ground MK-84 Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 8 = Air to Ground Zuni (Rockets) Mode
Ctrl + Shift + 9 = Air to Ground Maverick Mode
F = Flare
C = Chaff
W = Weapons reload
Please keep in mind that the user has to be in the virtual cockpit view when pressing these macros for the function to work. The weapons available are based on the variant, so if the model doesn't show bombs attached to the wings, don't expect that particular weapons mode to work (i.e. the Air to Air bird, will not drop bombs since they are not loaded, etc). By pressing the key combinations above, the jet will activate the applicable ordnance, select the appropriate Master Mode and HUD functionality, and activate the master arm switch. All that is left is to squeeze the trigger or press the pickle button.
Avionics:>There's been some work on HUD functionality as well. Thanks to some good input from SLUDGE, we've corrected the trimmed AOA indication in PA mode to display trimmed AOA on the lower right side of the HUD only when the pilot manually changes the assigned AOA through use of the elevator trim function. The change is only to be displayed on the HUD for 5 seconds.
>Flashing "ATC" will now be displayed on HUD for 10 seconds once ATC has been deactivated.
>Big Thanks to the help of JIVKO RUSEV, both the Ground Target Designator diamond and Continuously Calculated Impact Point (CCIP) targeting piper have now been implemented in the HUD to display selected waypoints and impact points and associated data.
>Thanks again to ED AKRIDGE for his help this time with the implementation of TacPack carrier TACAN and ILS HUD information. Now the appropriate HUD indications display once TacPack carrier TCN/ILS frequencies are entered into the Up Front Control Panel.
>HUD also displays weapon type and number of ordnance/rounds remaining depending on weapons mode selected.
>We also incorporated an "FCS FAIL" to display on the HUD if the FCS.dll gauge has been detected to have not been loaded or not functioning correctly.
>The Blue HUD Display is now disabled.
Installer:>Due to the hard work of ORION, a new Auto-installer has been implemented to help those install the new yet. This installer allows the recipient to select which variants he wants to install on FSX Boxed, FSX Steam, or P3D v2. It also automatically installs the required C++ Redistributable file and displays the operating manual for the jet upon completion. At the completion of the installation, the auto-installer opens a pdf manual for the jet (manual is currently being updated and still a work in progress).
Textures:>Big thanks goes out to BAZZA from Groom Lake Simulations and AHMENACE for the updated cockpit textures and new exterior textures for the jet. Still working on the night lighting for the cockpit.
Still Working On/Already Know Is Broken:>Ladder and Chocks no longer work when pressing Shift + E and 3. Still trying to figure out root cause for this issue.
>Weapons/Ordnance weights contained in the CFGs are adjusted for TacPack enabled aircraft. Expect the next release to include extra CFGs for those who are not using TacPack. (Sorry, just ran out of off time, and couldn't fit it in before this release...)
>Updated Aircraft Manual
>Instructional/Tutorial Videos detailing the specifics of the aircraft and how to use its systems.
>Downloadable Paint Kit
>BEFORE ALL OF YOU ASK (because I know it's coming...), there has been NO updates to the Delta (two seater) variant. I've prioritized all of my efforts in getting the single seater completed first, before moving on to the two seater.
FINALLY!!! That's it! I know that was a long read, but that should have pretty much gotten you guys up so speed on where we are as of now.