Just curious, if I may ask, but why is the eyepoint in the aircraft.cfg offset to the left? I know it's not much (-0.02), but it offsets the HUD slightly, or appears to. The HUD is correct, actually, but everything
else is shifted a little, which makes it seem offset. I don't know if it's the correct way to do it or not, but I use the velocity vector to help aim at a spot for touchdown, in FCLP, carrier, or normal landing, and it's very useful in keeping the sink rate etc etc correct, and having to compensate for the offset can get a little confusing, to me, during the last few busy seconds before Touch-Down. I know I can change the setting to 0.00, I was just wondering if there was a reason for it.
By the way, I noticein the BA version there is a "New HUD" folder in the Panel folder, but it's not called in the panel.cfg. Is it important? In what way is it new? Again, just curious. There's usu ally a reason for things
I was also wondering, again, if I may ask, what software do you utilize for de-compiling, editing, and re-compiling .DLL files? Also in the BA Panel folder is a folder (
old fcs Gauges) with a number of older, modified, or changed .DLL files, like
HornetFCS.dll, and I was wondering just what had been changed, and in which way, to make it work better. Again, Nosey Nellie is my pseudonym
Good days and fun times for all!