Did a flight last night usign FSPax in my JS41 and upon arrival found the plane had suffered a mechanical and the left wheel was not fully extending. Long story short, landing safely and what was going to be a simple hop turned into such a ride. With so many addons being used the immersion level was high.
GSX was part of that immersion on departure with the loading of pax and bags but upon landing I was not able to taxi off the active. Made me think of "what if". What if GSX offered an emergency responce feature just to have fire trucks etc drive up to your plane in the event of something like this.
We see the follow me car lead the plane, what if fire trucks are waiting to follow the vechicle down the active? Or just drive up to it? Pushing the Crtl +12 inflight brings up the GSX window with an option of 1) Declare an emergency ; which then changes the menu to the nearest airport list. Select the airport and as you land, the trucks are waiting and follow up to you. As just an idea.
GSX has opened up many missing features and immersion into the sim. Just felt the idea of building on its success would only add to its greatness.