Hi Umberto, firstly, GSX 1.5 - great. This is however about a couple of items (actually three) in the Addon Manager. AntiPopUp 1-30, AltitudeCull 0 or 1, View Optimization tick or not.
I read somewhere (avsim forum I think), that someone having a stutter problem set his AntiPopUp to 8, which reduced stutters for him. You may recall from my previous Posts that I have a Simulator that I only connect to the Internet for updates when needed. I am assuming that having it set to 30 reduces the number of times my P.C. is 'trying to connect' to see if an update is available? I might be quite wrong, and as I have never seen these three items discussed before, I wonder if you could give a brief description on each for the benefit of all of us who aren't quite sure what they mean, and the settings we should be using.
Many thanks