First, the installer. Downloaded from the website, it has some trouble with the security certificate from Virtuali Software.
You don't explain this very clearly. What "security certificate" ? The website doesn't have any, since we don't need SSL, since all our downloads are freely available and, when you purchase, you DO NOT purchase on "virtuali" website, but on Esellerate, which obviously works on SSL, it's surely not expired, and it's not certainly called "virtuali", so you are probably not referring to the security certificate of the website.
It seems to be revocated.....Not a good start....
Even if your description of the problem is not clear, maybe you are referring to the "virtuali" security certificate of YOUR OWN computer.
Yes, of course security certificates expires every 2-3 years or so, which means the "virtuali" security certificate you had on YOUR computer, was probably there because you installed an old product that was using the certificate which WAS current BACK THEN.
Of course, installers you download now from here, have a NEWER security certificate, which is NOT expired, since it lasts until November 2012. So no, your "not a good start" comment, because our security certificate "expired", wasn't really needed...
I seach in the in the menus, there is not the Addon Manager.
You should have seen a *question* asking your to authorize the Addon Manager module AND the Couatl script engine. I assume you haven't seen this question and, since you said you don't have any antivirus, the most likely cause is probably having to do with the security certificate.
You probably mistakenly put "virtuali" in the non-trusted authors: this will prevent ANYTHING signed by us to run.
To verify this, you can go to the Control Panel, under "Internet Options", look for the "Content" tab, there should be an "Authors" button, that will list the software authors that you trusted, and another tab with untrusted authors. If you see "Virtuali s.a.s", remove it from both tabs (especially if it's under untrusted)
I'm a little bit disappointed with this kind of activation system. Too much trouble and steps.
If the problem was the untrusted publishers, this doesn't obviously have anything to do with the "activation system" (beside the mistake of wrongly assuming the Addon Manager is only needed as an anti-piracy measure, which obviously isn't, and this is clearly explained in the FAQ page of the website too), if YOU (only you can do this) decide not to trust a publisher, nothing signed by him will ever run, this is a standard Windows feature.
So, before launching yourself in comments about the "activation system", which will going to stay, and not going to change, let's first establish WHAT was the cause of your problem first.