Author Topic: Aircraft bouncing  (Read 26739 times)


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Re: Aircraft bouncing
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2012, 11:27:06 am »
Thanks very much Umberto thats great news!

I will download now and give it a bash.


Chris Howard


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Re: Aircraft bouncing
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2012, 12:22:49 pm »
That worked a treat Umberto!

Thanks again!

Chris Howard


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Re: Aircraft bouncing
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2012, 05:12:39 pm »
Umberto, sorry to did up an older topic but I just used LSGG last night for the first time and my a/c is bobbing up and down as I taxi along the main taxiway that runs along side the main runway. As soon as I get on the runway its smooth but my a/c was going up and down as I was taxiing after pulling off the runway. In all the years I have owned LSGG I dont ever recall this happening, i'm guessing it has to do with the newer ADE that was included with GSX?

Also, since I didn't want to did up the other post below this one on the ATC, last night I lost ATC after contacting ground. They gave me taxi instructions, but when I replied to them nothing happened. Then once I was parked I and tried to contact them for taxi instructions nothing happened.

I only have one active ADE/AFX file for LSGG and have two backup .bak file in the same folder of the older ADE's but they are both renamed to .bak so I dont know if they could cause a problem but I think not.

Aside from that everything else seems to be working fine at the airport, just ATC and bouncing taxiways are a problem.

POST EDIT: Did a scan with the ADE checker and no duplicates were found for LSGG.

POST EDIT #2: I think I may have found the problem. I opened the old ADE file from 2008 and all the taxiway surfaces are listed as Asphalt, then I opened the latest AFX file and a lot of the taxiway surfaces are listed as Macadam. I'm guess that having a taxi surface of macadam rather that asphalt is the reason for the bouncing while taxiing. This being said, can you release another ADF update that changes the taxiway surfaces back to asphalt rather than macadma? I'm going to rename the 2008 ADE file to make it active and rename the new one to .bak and test it out to make sure that fixes it.

Last Edit: Just tried out the old ADE with the asphalt taxiways and the bouncing is gone. The macadam seems to be the issue causing the bouncing.

Sorry, just noticed this post.

There are a few models of aircraft that will always do this bouncing on a macadam surface. One that is often quoted is the Cessna Citation 2.
