Author Topic: Marshaller  (Read 4960 times)


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« on: April 22, 2012, 06:44:23 pm »
Hi Umberto,  I have asked this question before and maybe not clear on the issue I hope to solve.  I am currently parked at gate E5 using Blueprint's KBOS.  I am flying the Level D 763.

As I approached the gate the marshaller keeps signaling me to pull forward until I passed the stationary jetbridge. He signal for me to stop when the jetbridge was at the first exit door. I had to go to spot view and use FSX's pushback to position the plane to align the pax door to the jetbridge.  When I am inside the 2D cockpit, the marshaller is too close to my nose and I can no longer see him over the glare shield as I get to the stop point.

Two questions:

1 Is there a way to modify the GSX.cfg so the program knows for my aircraft that the front pax door is where any jetbridge stationary or movable should align?

2. What is the distance in meters that I should have the marshaller in front of the 767 aircraft so I can see him all the way to the stop point.

I love GSX and I guess looking for perfection.  :)



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Re: Marshaller
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 08:46:01 pm »
GSX ALREADY calculate the correct distance to place a marshaller, depending on your eyepoint height, to be sure you would be able to see him.

However, this calculation strategy is used only when the parking is in the open. If there's a jetway ( or you customized the parking to indicate there's a jetway, if the scenery have static ones ), the calculation is made depending on the parking radius, without taking into account the eyepoint height, because it's assumed than where's a jetway, there's usually a terminal nearby and so, using the regular distance calculation would result in marshaller too distant and likely going inside a building.

In this case, you should use the Max Marshaller distance parameter in the customization dialog, and set the highest possible number that will allow you to see the Marshaller, without having him placed inside the building.

It's a scenery dependent parameter, and might be different for every parking, that's why we couldn't supply an universal value. Even so, there's no guarantee that, by setting the marshaller with his shoulders immediately in front of the wall, you could see him from the cockpit of any airplane, it's really depending how the scenery was made.

In real world, the Marshaller would use a staircase or a vehicle, to be in an higher position, or the parking would have a docking system.

We are planning adding a way to raise the marshaller to stand on some kind of platform/vehicle, if the distance is below a certain threshold, with future updates.


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Re: Marshaller
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 12:02:58 am »
Thanks Umberto that would be great.  When I did some work at KDFW's terminal D, which BA used to receive and dispatch their T7's they always put the marshaller on a moving stand at the gate.  The T7 came in far to close to the terminal for the pilots to see him on the ground.  That same thing in GSX would solve this entire problem of the marshaller not being seen from the cockpit.

On my other subject since the pax stairs knows where my pax entry door is, does the marshaller also know this to stop me at the correct point as I taxi into the gate?




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Re: Marshaller
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 03:39:56 pm »
On my other subject since the pax stairs knows where my pax entry door is, does the marshaller also know this to stop me at the correct point as I taxi into the gate?

If the airport is not customized otherwise, the default stop position is to have the airplane reference point (the red cross you see in Top-down view) to be placed in the parking center, as defined in the AFCAD.