Hello all and Umberto
After installing GSX version 1.4, FSX crashes right on boot, without any alert message.
I know the recommanded cures for that issue and I tried to deactivate my antivirus before installing, etc. I have UAC deactivated too...
When I reinstall version 1.3, everything works OK again.
So I suspect the culprit is my particular system not liking something in v1.4.
My system is W7 64 US version with no permanent internet connection, just an analogic modem that i connect when needed (I cannot get a high speed ADSL connection where I stay).
So when I install GSX, it tries to download something and warns me about not finding any internet link. So I click next and the setup goes on with no problems, apart the bglmanx.dll in the FSX folder, which I manually replace with a right one, downloaded from your site.
I suspect the problem with new version 1.4 is the bglmanx file.
Any idea about that, apart from getting a good high speed internet connection, which is impossible in my particular case ?
Thanks by advance and congrats for your GSX program : before v1.4, it worked with no problems at all...
henri R