Author Topic: addon manager does not appear  (Read 13121 times)


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addon manager does not appear
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:28:22 pm »
Hi I tried to install Bergen to buy it via the addon manager. but after installing both Bergen Flesland and the addon manager for FSX - I cannot launch the addon manager - either I do not find it or it is not there.
please help.

Win7 64bit

Kind Regards Tom


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Re: addon manager does not appear
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 10:54:22 am »
Have you been *asked* permission to run the Addon Manager before running FSX for the first time after you installed it ?

If Yes, have you replied YES ? If you replied NO, to undo the error, you'll have to uninstall the Addon Manager and (IMPORTANT) reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager ?" that is made at the end, so FSX will forget you said NO to run it, then you can reinstall, and be sure you reply YES the next time, when asked.

If No, it's likely your antivirus blocked it so, as explained in other threads on the forum, install this way:

- DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL with the antivirus entirely OFF

- Uninstall the scenery. Reply YES when asked if you want to remove the Addon Manager and the Couatl Engine. Reply YES to both questions.

- TURN OFF your antivirus. Don't just exit from its interface, but turn off the real time protection. Actual wording changes between products, however, it's the option to scan every file that gets open in real time, without user intervention.

- Reinstall the scenery with the Antivirus TURNED OFF. Don't launch FSX yet.

- Configure the antivirus to exclude the following files from scanning:


YourFSXFolder it's usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X, if you installed it in the default folder.

- Now you can turn the antivirus back on, and launch FSX.

- Check you are seeing BOTH the "Addon Manager" menu AND the "Couatl powered products" menu under the "Addons" menu.

If you are missing ONLY the ground textures, install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager for FSX AFTER the scenery.


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Re: addon manager does not appear
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 11:23:53 am »
first thanks for your quick answer.....I did not said that I do not see the airport, it was entirely there ground buildings etc. But I could not find the add-on manager to buy actually that scenery. I read in the forum that is is important to buy through the add-on manager.

BTW what happens if I change the hard disk or the entirely machine with this kind of activation?

Kind Regards Tom
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 12:22:28 pm by virtuali »


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Re: addon manager does not appear
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 12:26:08 pm »
first thanks for your quick answer.....I did not said that I do not see the airport, it was entirely there ground buildings etc.

Ok, I understand, since you said you don't see the Addon Manager, I assumed it wasn't running.

But I could not find the add-on manager to buy actually that scenery. I read in the forum that is is important to buy through the add-on manager.

Like any addon module in FSX, is located under the "Addons" menu.

BTW what happens if I change the hard disk or the entirely machine with this kind of activation?

Nothing, it will just use another activation of the 6 you have available, and if you remember to Deactivate first, it will to consume it so, if you always remember to activate before upgrading hardware or changing to a new PC, you can keep reactivating the scenery forever.


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Re: addon manager does not appear
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 02:11:05 pm »
first thanks for your quick answer.....I did not said that I do not see the airport, it was entirely there ground buildings etc.

Ok, I understand, since you said you don't see the Addon Manager, I assumed it wasn't running.

But I could not find the add-on manager to buy actually that scenery. I read in the forum that is is important to buy through the add-on manager.

Like any addon module in FSX, is located under the "Addons" menu.

Hmm I looked carefully under ADDONS I see a Cloud9 and a FS DREMTEAM folder but none of them has addon manager the FS dream team folder has a couatl app but clicking that does not open an addon manger.

Regards Tom

ps if you want I can send a screenshot
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 05:26:37 pm by soundrats »


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Re: addon manager does not appear
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 07:02:24 pm »
Hmm I looked carefully under ADDONS I see a Cloud9 and a FS DREMTEAM folder but none of them has addon manager the FS dream team folder has a couatl app but clicking that does not open an addon manger.

Please, read again *carefully* what I've said. I haven't said to look for an "Addons" folder in your hard drive. I said:

Like any addon module in FSX, is located under the "Addons" menu.

Which means you need to go in the Addons MENU, while FSX is RUNNING!